They collected the largest amount for victims.We are looking for a fair key to the division of money, said the head of the successful charity

They collected the largest amount for victims.We are looking for a fair key to the division of money, said the head of the successful charity

How to help a tornado affected area?Dozens of millions have gathered on donor accounts and the amounts continue to grow

"We think of a system to inform each other so that it does not turn out so that someone gets ten million and twenty thousand to reconstruct the house," he says in an interview with Folk.CZ Oldřich Haičman, Director of the Diocesan Charity Brno, which operates in the South Moravian Region and in part of the Vysočina Region and whose account has already collected over 200 million crowns to the help of South Moravia to help South Moravia..The amount was the highest of all at the moment of publishing the interviews, another of the successful was the Via Foundation, which chose for the same time through the portal more than 192 million. Jak konkrétně pomáhá Diecézní charita Brno na tornádem postižených místech?Pomáhat jsme začali už minulý týden ve středu, kdy se na Hodonínsku spustily lijáky a přívalové deště.Cellars and some family houses were flooded, so we immediately set off into the terrain.We brought about fifty dryers.That was our first aid.The second, more massive, then came on Thursday, after the tornado ravaged several municipalities.

Shortly thereafter, our collaborators from affected municipalities were phoning us because we have been doing social and health services in them for a long time.We announced a collection that evening, which then circled not only the republic but also the whole world.Managed to raise funds whose amount honestly amazed me.We had no idea that the solidarity of people would be so huge. Kolik peněz se dosud podařilo vybrat? A jakým způsobem lidé přispívají?Nyní je účtu přibližně 205 milionů korun (rozhovor vznikal v úterý – largely send money to the account, we have created a QR code used for use in internet banking.Unfortunately, someone misused him, but fortunately the police have already turned out, there was no misuse of funding (the police have accused the man's attempt of fraud in the previous days of the man who said a false QR code at the charity collection, threatened with five to ten years in prison -, we prefer to call donors to check the account numbers, amount, variable symbol and the like.

Another form of assistance is donor DMS via the phone, it is amounts 30, 60 or 90 crowns, and permanent DMS can also contribute.So far about thirteen million crowns have come in this way. Jak místní reagují reagují na dobrovolnickou i finanční pomoc?Samozřejmě jsou rádi.But on the other hand, it is also true that the influx of people must not grow up to block driveway as it happened at the weekend.We even registered news that some came there to get drunk in the cellar and the next day were unable to work.They are not holidays or some teambuilding, take a picture for Facebook.Unfortunately, even such things occurred.But the vast majority of people are in place to really help, the locals welcome them and appreciate it with grateful.

The weather awaits a big turning point in the Czech Republic.Meteorologists describe what a long weekend will bring Nakolik jsou sbírky koordinovány v místech, kde řádilo tornádo? Tedy jak se zajistí, aby peníze putovaly potřebným rychle, aby se dary nepřekrývaly a aby nedošlo k neúmyslnému zvýhodnění některých lokality?Charita je složkou Integrovaného záchranného systému (IZS), takže jsme v rámci Jihomoravského kraje koordinování krizovým štábem.With other non -profit organizations that work here, we have regular meetings and try to think about helping effectively direct.Of course, every organization has its know-how on how to get the money as quickly as possible to the areas and to the needy people so as not to abuse or redirect somewhere else. Jak se finance shromážděné ve sbírce rozdělují? Jak je to s načasováním pomoci?Začali jsme už v pátek takzvanou akutní fází, kdy jsme poskytovali humanitární pomoc.As part of IRS, we do not replace the activities of rescuers, firefighters or police, we are a supportive element, we try to provide people with basic life needs for survival.At the weekend we also started to organize shopping of lamps, lamps, batteries, powerbank, because in many ways there was no electricity, we supplied power generators, simply the basic security that people can even communicate with each other.We also provide tools and work gloves since Sunday, when working on damaged houses began to repair.The volunteer work also started.

Our monitoring teams have visited households in the affected municipalities since Saturday and gained contacts, mapped where to send food or some treatment.On Thursday they will return again and verify what the situation looks like;will also find out the status of other objects.On this basis, we want to provide people according to the degree of dwelling damage from about 50 thousand crowns to 200 thousand crowns. Je nějaký strop pro výši finanční pomoci?Ano, v první vlně je to oněch 200 tisíc korun.But we want to return there every 14 days and map the situation.Of course we will want to prove how people have used the amount, such as invoices, or look at the documents for purchases of material.And we will also ask them if they received some money from the state and to help from other organizations.On this basis we will contribute with other finances.It may happen that we visit one place five times and verify the information and contribute accordingly. Mohou lidé dostat příspěvky ze sbírek vícero organizací?Samozřejmě, to se nevylučuje.Through the crisis crew we are going to create a system to inform each other so that it does not turn out so that someone gets ten million crowns to repair the house and someone twenty thousand. Překvapila vás rychlost, s jakou lidé na následky řádění živlu zareagovali a začali na pomoc v postižených oblastech posílat peníze?Nejvíc mě vzala za srdce ta obrovská solidarita lidí, to, jak se vše rozběhlo neskutečnou rychlostí do všech koutů České republiky, jak to lidé sdíleli a podporovali.It was the speed of the reaction that surprised me very pleasantly.After all, our account came to two hundred million crowns within four days.It actually ran at lightning speed.

The first thought was to call help, depicting a girl from a bus that swept a tornado Čím si to vysvětlujete?Myslím si, že jakmile český národ slyší, že se někdo dostal do nouzové situace, je ochotný se rozdělit a přispět.We were at floods in 1997, 2002 and 2009, people contributed even when it was a devastating earthquake on Haiti, tsunami in Indonesia and so on.People were really generously contributed.If the nation can convince that there is an emergency and that there are people who cannot help themselves, they will contribute. So it is true that “In need you know Czech”.Exactly, it certainly can say that.I would also like to thank in this way for how the collection and needs of people have been fulfilled.I feel the great support of our charity that people believe us, know about us that we do help effectively, well and that we will use the money withdrawn in accordance with the purpose.For this I want to thank all donors, supporters and self -government. Another of your achievements is volunteering. Kolik dobrovolníků nyní v terénu pracuje?Velkou charitu máme dlouhodobě v Hodoníně a v Břeclavi, každá z nich má své dobrovolnické centrum, jež je schopné dodat dobrovolníky v místě.It also follows the advantage that they do not need to provide accommodation, food or transport.We now have fifty volunteers on site now on site.There is also a database available on our website to register.If the volunteers are missing somewhere, we will contact the registered and invite them to get involved.But we say straight away that we do not organize the way to the place, not even overnight, eating or tool delivery.Maybe many people discourage, but otherwise it really can't, now we are not able to provide it. Pokud i tak vyrazí pomáhat na jih Moravy nějaký dobrovolník z druhého koutu republiky, kde se může ubytovat?Buď si vezme svůj stan, za vesnicí jsou vyhrazená parkoviště.There is also a bed train that holds up to three hundred places.For a minimum amount they can take a shower and eat.But by using the volunteers in particular, this goes out of us. Jak dlouho budou dobrovolníci třeba?Když udeřily povodně, to byla jiná situace, tam prošla voda a baráky zanechala vlhké a zatopené.Volunteers cleared everything unnecessary during the month and the buildings may have dried up for a year.Therefore, volunteers were used for a long time.Now, however.Volunteers will no longer be needed so much.So I think it is a matter of several months of being needed. Čeho je teď na místě nejvíce potřeba?Určitě nářadí a všeho potřebného na opravu střech, spojovací materiál.And since it is to rain in the coming days and many houses are still without roofs, we have called on the companies to weigh roof battens and foils.The point is to at least temporarily cover and prevent the destruction of the property as a whole before it can proceed to the reconstruction of the houses. The Church and its spiritual support have an irreplaceable role in the south of Moravia. Jak v tomto směru lidem pomáháte?Od soboty jsme spustili takzvanou psychosociální pomoc, která pokrývá i oblast duchovní.Similar help is provided by local parishes.We arranged the help of psychologists and clergy with the crisis crew.So far there were only psychologists from the police and firefighters.We have experience from flooding that this type of help is needed only after fourteen days.For as soon as the work of a cleaning work, one begins to have time to think about what actually happened, he starts to return to him.It is therefore advisable to deploy psychosocial teams after 14 days. Vyšlete na místo i více duchovních?Uvidíme podle potřeby, jestli to budou zvládat místní duchovní, nebo zda to posílíme.Time will tell.

Folk.CZ: Tornado also damaged churches. Jak bude probíhat jejich obnova?Sbírku na ně vyhlásilo Biskupství brněnské.Believers have the opportunity to contribute directly to the repair of two damaged churches through its donor portal.
