No country at the coffin.Czechs are afraid to say about an unconventional funeral, says Groundhog

No country at the coffin.Czechs are afraid to say about an unconventional funeral, says Groundhog

Your CV is quite diverse.You teach at the Faculty of Medicine, previously worked as a police officer at the Murders Department. Co vás přivedlo k pohřebnictví?Na lékařské fakultě jsem byl zaměstnán celou dobu, jen jsem v průběhu zvyšoval nebo snižoval úvazek.And when I worked on the police as an investigator on the murders, I was quite close to it.In addition, he was in the village an untreated cemetery that I wanted to put together.That's why I became interested in it.I like to work with living people who can help in their sadness in the transition ritual when someone from their loved ones leaves.At the same time you are still in the fresh air and you can do the job whose results are seen.

Jaroslav Šejvl

He graduated from the Police Academy of the Czech Republic, a security legal field. V roce 2009 absolvoval individuální vzdělávací seminář zakončený zkouškou dílčí kvalifikace hrobník.Three years later he received the professional qualification of the builder of underground tombs. V roce 2010 spoluzakládal Cech hrobnický. Od roku 2013 do května 2014 byl ředitelem Olšanských hřbitovů.Since February 2006, he has been working at the Center of Addictology of the Psychiatric Clinic 1.LF UK and VFN in Prague. Ve volném čase hrobničí. Napsal několik publikací s tematikou pohřebnictví, například Pohřbívání a hřbitovy (2011).

According to the Society of Friends, the Czechia holds European primacy in the number of cremations compared to classic funerals to the country.Cremation will take place at three quarters of all funerals. Čím si to vysvětlujete?Řekl bych, že v tom hraje roli více faktorů.Cremation is a cheaper option than a funeral to the ground because you do not have to pay the rent of a grave place.When you pick up the urn, you can put it home, in a cellar or make a scatter in the garden.This may also be related to atheism in society.Perhaps this was also due to forty years, when there was rather materialist education.The funeral to the ground is more typical of believers, it is associated with the second arrival of Jesus Christ.

Kolik stojí průměrný pohřeb kremací a do země?Pokud má být pohřeb alespoň na základní úrovni, aby byla dodržena pieta a důstojnost zesnulého, tak pořídit si pohřeb pod patnáct tisíc příliš nelze.U cheaper funeral is probably missing something.Ring is cheaper than burial into the ground because there is no fact for floral decoration, the lease of the grave place.

Dávají lidé svým blízkým před smrtí instrukce, jak má pohřeb proběhnout? Vědí obvykle pozůstalí, jak s tělem naložit, nebo spíše tápou?O smrti se obecně v rodinách málo mluví.So even talks about how someone should be buried is taboo.Believers who accept death as an ordinary part of life and are reconciled to it, they speak more commonly.But most people do not think too much about death, do not take into account that they can come anytime.They then create large question marks as they bury them.Often they do not know what to do with the urn when they do not have a grave place.The cremated remains often survivors in the crematorium or on the funeral service do not even pick up.

Co se s nevyzvednutými urnami potom stane?Dávají se do společného úložiště.They are always revealed.The common tomb is usually established by the municipality.

A když zesnulý ani nikoho nemá?Pak má pohřbívací povinnost opět obec, která musí zajistit elementární důstojný pohřeb.Costs are usually reimbursed by the Ministry for Regional Development.If the conditions are met, the funeral may take place.However, if the identity of the deceased is not known, it can only be buried in the ground or the tomb in case of an exhumation.

At the coffin of a motorcycle and songs of three nurses

Přibývá pohřbů bez obřadu?Vyskytují se, ale zatím zůstává alespoň v určité míře zachován trend, že lidé se přijdou alespoň rozloučit, i když si potom třeba nevyzvednou urnu.There are also cases where the funeral service brings a coffin, and no one comes to say goodbye, then only the gravediggers trigger.

Setkal jste se na Olšanských hřbitovech i s nějakým nezvyklým, bizarním požadavkem na pohřeb?Moc ne.People, as they do not talk too much about death, hold on to what is experienced, common.For example, the standard is that people go to a cemetery in black, children must not laugh.I think it wouldn't matter at all, instead of conducting insincere speeches over the coffin, remembers of cheerful events and farewell to be civil, informal.The possibility is here - just to ask for it.Rarely someone comes up with something unusual.People do not even know that some non -traditional things can demand.

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Co třeba?Například, pokud měl zesnulý rád country nebo kytaru, mohli by požádat, aby se rakev dala k hrobu a na hodinu si tam sednout s přáteli a hrát písničky.This is possible if they do not disturb the surroundings.

I experienced a funeral of a young boy - a biker.Friends asked if they could come up with motorbikes, of course they just push them there, and let go of songs from three sisters.They were allowed to do so and could give a friend honor the song he liked.I think it didn't disturb the dignity at all.

Jak to probíhá, když chce být někdo rozprášen po krajině?To je možné na vlastním pozemku bez problémů, na cizím je třeba souhlas jeho majitele.But it must be done in a dignified manner.I have encountered cases where fishermen were stored in the river.

Start planning your funeral.Right Now

Kdy by měl člověk začít plánovat vlastní pohřeb?Kdykoli, můžete hned i vy.Get out of reality.People do not only die at a blessed age but also young, whether because of illness or perhaps in an accident.Every person who realizes the transience of life will eventually reach the last thing to organize.The Civil Code allows you to put a clear disposition to the last will.But it doesn't have to be written somewhere.Just talk to someone who is close to you, who do you trust.It is not a manifestation of some fatalism, that we would wait for death.It used to be normal that people wondered how they should be handled.At the same time it was common to accumulate on the funeral and grave during life.It has disappeared today.People often have no money for a funeral.

Takže vy sám víte, jak chcete být pohřben?Určitě, všechny blízké jsem s tím seznámil.But I don't reveal.

Kdybych jednou chtěla být pohřbena na Olšanských hřbitovech, mohu si už teď zamluvit místo?Ne zamluvit.You can go to the Olšanské cemeteries, they will tell you where the free grave places are.You choose one, conclude a rental contract for ten years.That place then will be yours.But you would have already paid “alive” now.Can't make a reservation and wait for someone to die.The price is set by the Ministry of Finance.It consists of two items - the lease of the grave place and the services with the rents connected, which means that the cemetery administration takes care of the cemetery, flowing there, the grass is cut,.The most expensive prices are in Prague because, according to the Ministry's assessment, the price list is graded by population.

Které hřbitovy jsou v Praze nejžádanější?Každý člověk preferuje něco jiného.Some people like small cemeteries, don't like big.Someone wants to be buried near well -known personalities, another prefers the cemetery with something specific, perhaps the time it was built.It is often spoken about Slavín in Vyšehrad, of course Olšany is also important.Among the small beautiful cemeteries are Hlubočepy, Malvazinky.You have their magic and are not so familiar.But for example in the Bohemian Forest, in the Giant Mountains, in the Orlické Mountains, in Moravia - you will find picturesque cemeteries everywhere.

Nedochází na nich pomalu místa?Ne, protože u mnoha hrobů končí nájem a lidé už ho neobnoví nebo už nejsou dědicové.The graves are then available again.The original remains may not always be picked up.You can rent a grave place and tell the tenant that someone has already been buried there.Bones then often concentrate to the feet or in the tomb into a small coffin.If there is no new tenant there for some reason, they will be removed and put back into a common repository.

Takže po mnoha letech se v podstatě do společného pohřebiště dostane téměř každý?Nemusí to tak být.Often there is a family line held.The family holds together, the rent of the grave or the tomb passes from the grandfather to the father, to the son.So, for centuries, has always remained someone who has a legal relationship to the grave.

The gravedigger is to be proficient and must not be ashamed of the craft

Potřebuje hrobník speciální vzdělání? Proto jste založil Cech hrobnický?Cílem cechu primárně nebylo vzdělávání, ale hlavně ukázat, že je to řemeslo, které je důležité, a že hrobník není někdo, kdo ve všech jiných profesích selhal a má třeba problémy s alkoholem a návykovými látkami, jak si mnoho lidí myslí.The main objective was to pick up the grave craft to the level of other crafts so that people not only talk about the graves as pejoratively.

Předpokládám, že hrobník by měl být fyzicky zdatný, co dalšího by se měl naučit?Zdatný být má, ale hlavně musí mít k tomu řemeslu vztah.He must not be ashamed of him and should somehow develop and educate himself.It is a profession where it is necessary to have some intelligence, behavior and knowledge, for example, from the funerals of individual religions, the Funeral Act, to be able to maintain dignity, to behave socially and to express participation with the survivors.Until the Guild's Guys had no possibility of teaching the craft had no.

Letos ale cech plánuje ukončit činnost, takže končí i možnost učit se hrobnictví?Nekončí.For years we have worked with the Secondary Technical School of Green Strip.There we managed to accredit the education of the gravedigger and there was a training cemetery.The school then took over the education.The gravedigger can get a professional qualification on her.It is not an apprenticeship certificate, but in the ranking of education the person will already advance.It would be nice if there was a vocational school.But municipalities have no duty to have a gravedigger.

Říkal jste cvičný hřbitov?Ano, to je místo, kde je postavena podzemní hrobka, dva urnové hroby, lze tam vykopávat hrob, učit se manipulovat s krycí deskou, spouštět rakev a provádět další aktivity.This is important because learning at grave sites that are in the lease of natural or legal persons cannot be.Likewise, the training cemetery does not matter when the cover plate is damaged.

Jsou i dívky - hrobnice?Ano, jsou tam také, ale není jich tolik.It's not because they couldn't handle it.But rather because this profession does not have a good reputation is ostracized.Sometimes when you say you are a gravedigger, someone will not even give you a hand.It will take long years for the gravediggers to earn a place in the sun.

In her free time, the graves

Vy osobně jste se setkal s nějakými předsudky?Ano.When I say I teach at the faculty, people nodded.But when I say, "And I'm a gravedigger," he says, "For God's sake, why?" As if it were something wrong.

Yet the grave and hobby are for you.Yes, in leisure time graves.Of course you can't work for fun in a giant cemetery like Olšany, but in a small village cemetery where there are eight, ten funerals per year cool.It's manual work, and it is excellent.You stretch your muscles, clean your head and feel good.If the funeral is dignified and the survivors "like" then you are happy about the well -done work.

When you were headed by the Olšany Cemeteries, you organized events cemetery live. O co šlo?Cílem bylo ukázat řemesla, která jsou spojena s provozováním hřbitova, to znamená hrobníky, kameníky, truhláře, tesaře, zahradníky.The cemetery is not just gravediggers.Few realize that when you buy a beautiful Christmas candles from someone, the same person produces candles for funerals.Likewise, the florist produces funeral decorations.So the cemeteries actually live in a way.We also had the opening of paintings and infostates.

Nesetkával jste se s tím, že to někomu přišlo nedůstojné?Jen s jedním člověkem, podle kterého to bylo znesvěcení svatých polí, ale vesměs převažovaly vždy pozitivní reakce.

Prague's Olšanské cemeteries are interesting and nice and in a way "wild" nature.Yes there is even game.They are actually the lungs of Prague - fifty hectares of forest in one place.It's a quiet, beautiful place where people go relax, students learn there.

Nemáte z těch všech nebožtíků a pohřbů ve vašem životě někdy noční můry? Nebojíte se občas, třeba v noci, na hřbitově?Nebojím, ale mám k hřbitovům a ke všemu, co tam je, samozřejmě velký respekt.I can't imagine some people are able to go to the cemetery to the toilet or take a candle from the next grave.
