IROZHLAS Five million tourists, income growth by 77 percent.Egypt again becomes a popular destination

IROZHLAS Five million tourists, income growth by 77 percent.Egypt again becomes a popular destination

Egypt's revenue from tourism in the first half of this year increased by 77 percent to $ 4.8 billion ($ 105.6 billion) compared to the same period last year.The number of tourists then increased by 41 percent to about five million.This was stated by Reuters, referring to information from a government official.

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Egyptian tourism continues to revive after the rebellion in 2011.He was also helped by the weakening of the domestic currency since the end of 2016, which significantly cheaper the country for foreign tourists.

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iRozhlas Pět milionů turistů, růst příjmů o 77 procent. Egypt se opět stává oblíbenou destinací

Tourism is essential to the Egyptian economy, among other things, one of the main sources of foreign exchange and jobs.The total gross domestic product (GDP) of the country accounts for more than 11 percent and about one fifth in foreign exchange income.

"The indicators indicate that the sector will earn about nine billion dollars by the end of this year," the source said.He added that at the end of the year, tourists from Western Europe, Italy, Germany and Ukraine are expected to increase.Tourism's revenue was $ 7.6 billion last year.

Egypt is a popular destination and Czech tourists.Last year, according to data from the Czech Statistical Office, approximately 245,000 Czech tourists visited the country.This year, according to travel agencies estimates, the number of orders of tours to Egypt is higher by about 30 percent.

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