Christmas miracle.Look at Moravia from the plane half a year after a tornado

Christmas miracle.Look at Moravia from the plane half a year after a tornado

They sat in front of their blurred bungalow in Moravská Nová Ves and could not even cry in Moravská Nová Ves, and they could not even cry.They just sat and waited.They didn't really know what.The house had approved the house a few weeks before and the weekend before the tornado Igor and Dominik Hájek took.But instead of the honeymoon they were waiting six months of hard work.

Today they only miss the facade not to know what trigger the wind on their house has made.They managed everything and they are waiting for their first child."It did," says Igor modestly.A young man who, after a tornado, said that nothing could be done and the house has to stand again.They have almost everything done.New windows, roof, roof, eaves, repaired all in the interior.Even the fence is already standing and in the new house they are waiting for the first Christmas.

The tornado swept Moravská Nová Ves, pears, Mikulčice, Lusatia and the Hodonín part of Mr..June.At Christmas Eve dinner, the locals will commemorate exactly six months of anniversary.

Dead, overwhelming, all over the debris.Seven municipalities in Moravia ravaged tornado

The difference between the form of villages just after a tornado and the current state is huge.New roofs will attract at first sight.A distinctive new facade is beating in the eyes here and there. Petr Šulava z Hrušek před domem svých sedmdesátiletých rodičů ukazuje na mobilu fotografie z konceJune.There is a torso of a house -free house and with beaten windows.

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Today is a house with a yellow facade as new.The tornado rampage is only to know at the unfinished yard.“We didn't even expect it to be so fast.Thanks to the nice weather we have a facade.Excellent was help from the army and from companies that sent people here.The insurance company worked well, charity also.I'm laughing, ”says Šulava.

But right next to his parents' house is a big hole in the country.Neighbors had to demolish the house.Less than two hundred houses in the affected area fell anyway."It will take at least ten years for the municipality to be completely renewed," Šulava estimates.

Although it is cold and just before Christmas, some houses still work craftsmen.“A lot of work is doing.Many people are looking forward to Christmas and to rest for.Until the last moment they do things they can do, ”summarizes the current situation in the municipalities of the parish priest Marián Kalina.Volunteers are almost no more, but according to the locals are not even needed.

We don't have a head on the hopping

Back to Moravská Nová Ves - seniors František and Marie Noster, the neighbors of Hájek's Outflá, were not so lucky.They still can't live in their house and will be happy to return to it for the next Christmas.Now they live in borrowed mobilheim, something between a caravan, a building cell and a cottage.Built by it just a short distance from the original residence.

They had nothing left after the tornado.They also flew their university diplomas."People who were not so much disabled try to live the way they lived.They enjoyed the feast and all those events.Those who have been the disabled...You know, we don't have a head on some hopping, ”says Marie Nosterská.

As always, they invite a family to.This year it will be at most with a tiny tree and everyone will be in a small space to scratch.But the Noster do not collapse.They are grateful that they can live in a borrowed mobile home.

"We don't go crazy about it.In the summer we have hot, in winter winter, otherwise it is decent.Praise for it, ”says František Nosterský.

Insurance companies will pay advances for tornado, and the authorities can also apply for money

The couple also praise the helpful approach of insurance companies and gifts from people.The insurance company quantified them for property of five million.The couple could not believe it initially, but due to the price increase of the material, the reconstruction of the house will be released for much more money than years ago.It is precisely thanks to the trouble -free approach of the insurance company and the charity of people will not have a problem paying the entire amount.

One of the main symbols of the devastating tornado became the church in the middle of Moravská Nová Ves that the wind took away.Now the church has a makeshift roof.Immediately after the New Year, Marian Kalina expects to deliver seventy cubic meters cut for the roof truss.

Crosses sanctified by the Pope

The original fallen beams have been created by new crosses in sizes from 30 to 80 centimeters.The South Moravian Region put them in auction last week.It will only last until the end of the year and the money collected will go to the repairs of the church.

While visiting the Pope Slovaks, the cross rains from the beams of the church destroyed by the tornado

“In October, the Pope František consecrated in the Vatican of the Cross made from the beams of the damaged church.One got as a gift.This powerful moment aroused a great response.Fifty newly made crosses can continue to help with donors who will participate in the charity auction, ”explains the South Moravian governor Jan Grolich (KDU-ČSL).

Midnight on Christmas Eve Kalina will serve classic in church.Thanks to the temporary roof, the church church can take place.In the village with 2,600 inhabitants about four hundred of them go to the church regularly.

The priest noticed that after a tornado, the locals generally began to think more about God.In the last two months, it has been looking for about thirty people who want to talk about faith, important things in life and how to move on."Maybe it's because it has been decreased with work they have to do, have more time to think about it, so they stop behind me more often," Kalina muses.

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This year's Christmas in the village will be different, but certainly not in the wrong sense."It's such a special charm of Christmas.Turned the direction.By default, it is more purchased before Christmas, running for gifts and one has an even more stress.On the other hand, they had the stress for half a year permanently, so they long for a rest.Christmas will be here and maybe they will be nicer in something, ”Kalina believes.

This is confirmed by local food owner Marek Mackova.His children are looking forward to Christmas and the whole family is happy to spend them together at home.Memory of a scary evening 24.June z hlavy ale jen tak nevymažou.

26.June 2021

Tornado in Moravia

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“We are afraid of any bigger blow.Snow attacked on the new roof and when the snow slid down, it did such a rumble that we knew something wrong.We think a lot about it, ”admits Marek Mackova.

The story of their family has aroused a huge wave of solidarity.With his stepdaughter Silvia, the bus rolled over at the time of the tornado and the teenager ended up for several weeks in the hospital.

He is still limping and may be leaving these consequences throughout his life, but the family is extremely grateful for gifts.Thanks to them, the daughter could buy above -standard aids for better recovery.
