What to plant in March.Which vegetables can already get out?

What to plant in March.Which vegetables can already get out?


Not March as March.Are the years when the soil is still frozen and covered with snow in the middle of the month.Other times the heat is already at the end of February, the clay smells of spring and calls for attention.

Jestli je už správný čas vysévat, vám řekne sama zem.Go spade about twenty -five or thirty centimeters deep.If even at this depth is not frozen, you can get into it.In order to work well, the soil should not be heavy and soaked with water.If it sticks, wait a few days for it to dry and bey.Then you can finally sow.

Vysazujte jarní krásu už teď. Květiny, zeleninu i stromy

Sedmero bylinek pro minizahrádku na parapetu nebo balkoně

Put the ground before sowing

It is best to fertilize in the autumn. Pokud jste to nestihli, přidejte na záhony kompost, který půdě dodá živiny.Most crops you will sow in March can not tolerate direct fertilization, so manure now do not work in the spring.

Co zasadit v březnu. Která zelenina už může ven?

Stat off the soil, get rid of it with the first eager weed, allow it to dry a little and scratch it to have everything perfectly prepared for sowing.You can measure the lines simply with the help of a pin and string.Also, you can easily create lines with a betting pin.If you don't have it, use an ordinary stick.

What to do if you don't have a quality soil source?

Which seeds and seedlings can out in March:

How deep to sow

Vyberte si v zahradnictví rané druhy ředkviček, karotky, salátu nebo špenátu.You can also sow dill or parsley. Pořiďte si i sazečky cibule nebo některých bylinek, jako je třeba pažitka, kadeřávek nebo tymián.All this can already be out.

Sowing to customize a particular crop.On the bag you will find how deep seeds to store and how far should be apart.For example, carrots, parsley or radishes are sowing into a row of about one to two centimeters deep.Spinach needs about half to one centimeter deep.Like the salad.

The rows of carrots should be about thirty centimeters apart, spinach is enough twenty or twenty -five centimeters.You can grow the salad in a denser sowing on a smaller piece of land and then transplant it.

Carefully include the seeds after sowing and be sure to mark where your crop is.It is perfectly suited to the grooves - for example from wood.You can also make your own labels.For example, it is enough for smooth stones, such as larger pebbles, to write with acrylic colors the name of vegetables.

What to stop to help plants?

Jaro na zahradě: Originální budky a krmítka pro ptáky

Bude jaro! Namíchejte si substrát a připravte květníky

Plant and pre -grow

In early March you can still sow seeds of peppers, tomatoes or broccoli.As soon as the plants have two leaves, carefully interpret them. Předpěstovat si můžete také některé bylinky, třeba bazalku.

At the end of the month, the onion seedlings can.In the horticulture most often come across Všetana or Stuttgart varieties.The red is popular mainly Karmen.Place the onions in rows that are about twenty -five centimeters away.There should be a place of about ten centimeters between the seedlings.For onion consider using black fabric - you save your skin, and moreover the fabric will attract more sun that the onion is covered.

Surgain vegetables do not forget to water.When the seeds germinate, she should not dry out.Therefore, check the moisture, and if spring is dry, add moisture to the soil.

Pre -grow celery, cauliflower or even flowers.Detailed instructions can be found here.
