With the new bridge, drivers in Kralupy got a piece of new road

With the new bridge, drivers in Kralupy got a piece of new road


Jaká proticovidová opatření skončila, jaké zákazy zatím platí dál
12.9.2021MilanHolakovskýReportérNapište mi

/PHOTOGALLERY/20 days earlier than the original plans, drivers can use the newly built bridge on the regional road II/101 in the southern part of Kralupy nad Vltavou.

Kliknutím zvětšíteVybudovaný most na krajské silnici II/101 v jižní části Kralup nad Vltavou. | Foto: facebook Martina Kupky

When releasing the passage by removing prohibition signs at the site of the construction site, two colleagues from the Central Bohemian Region Council - Deputy Governor Martin Kupka (ODS), who is in charge of road transport, and Libor Lesák (also ODS), who is the Regional Councilor for Investment., property and public procurement.However, he came here in the role of the deputy mayor of Kralupy.

Omezení v místě oprav dálnice D8 mění svoji podobu. Na měsíc

S novým mostem dostali řidiči v Kralupech i kus nové silnice

The bridge in unsatisfactory state was replaced with a new frame structure of monolithic reinforced concrete.It was built for 23 million crowns (even with value added tax).The project also included works under the bridge: there was a modification of the Zákolanský brook trough.

In addition, the city representatives agreed with the region on works that were not originally planned: to reconstruct the surface of the adjacent sections of the road II/101, so that it does not have to count on the next closure in the foreseeable future.The road has not only a new surface on the bridge and in the closest neighborhood, as is usual on similar occasions, but in a longer section on both sides of the bridge: from food store to fuel gas station.Anyway, according to Lesák's words, the reconstruction would expect it - in the near future.Kupka reminded that work on adjacent roads came to nearly four million.

Předplaťte si Deník.cz a čtěte vše bez limitu a omezení. Více zde.
12.9.2021DiskuzeKralupy nad Vltavou, Martin Kupka, ODS, Libor Lesák, Středočeský kraj, Zeleneč, Zákolanský potok

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