Poppy for every garden!In November is the ideal time to sow

Poppy for every garden!In November is the ideal time to sow

3. listopad 2021Radioporadna

Blue and white poppy have grown our ancestors commonly.Even today, the Czech Republic is a superpower in poppy cultivation.But it has disappeared from our gardens.According to the gardener Francis Hlubocký, his cultivation is very simple and his health benefits are no doubt.

“My grandmother used a great poppy she had grown in the garden herself.The white one was more rare, had an excellent hazel taste, so it put it in a better cake or in the feast buns, ”recalls the gardener.

Poppy for food and as a decoration

Now in November, even in December, suck the poppy to the ground to swell the seed and soak up with water.Then can easily freeze.The cold starts the enzymatic processes of the seeding of the seed and the poppy in the spring will rise better.

You can also sow a few pinch of poppy in a perennial or other ornamental flowerbed.Poppy is beautiful when blooming.Its flowers are pink, white, purple.And if you let the plant ripen, you will be left to the poppy seeds for Christmas decoration.Dried on standing in a pitcher or in a weight.The crown at the top has holes that open after drying, you turn the poppy beside, shake and poppies.

Provence, vlčí máky, pole, příroda|foto:Pixabay, CC0 1.0

Mák na každou zahradu! V listopadu je ideální čas k setí

"You can also wear a blue poppy bought in a shop, but if it is not ground," laughs František Hlubocký.White poppy in an ordinary store may not get, but you will be marching on the Internet.

You can set up in rows and groups

Poppy seeds can be sown in line and slightly include soil.Small nests can be sowed in a flowerbed.Under the flowering poppy can well remove the lower flower bed aster, but the poppy stands out among radishes.

“In the spring it is necessary to unite the plants to be a little further apart.The sun likes poppies, an open position, like imagining a poppy field, ”advises the gardener.

What to sow in the fall

Rudbekia, daisies and other perennials are also a better set before a frost, ie at the end of November.And this also applies to beautiful annuals such as spur or blacks.

“And why before winter?It's logical.Most plants in nature will bloom, remain dry inflorescences, whose seeds are poured into the ground from which they suck up moisture, then pass through the frost to wake up to germinate better, ”describes the cycle of nature František Hlubocký.

autor:Jitka SlezákováSdíletSpustit audio


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