Slaný wants to repair the former district house, the library and the ceremonial hall will be built here

Slaný wants to repair the former district house, the library and the ceremonial hall will be built here


Jaká proticovidová opatření skončila, jaké zákazy zatím platí dál
1.11.2021KateřinaNič HusárováReportérkaNapište mi

/ PHOTOGALLERY/ CITY SLANY WANT TO REPORT THE NOONESANCE DISTRIBUTION HOUSE, which used to be in the past and the building of the governor.Corner building on the corner of Šultysova Street and EDV.Benes is one of the significant landmarks of the city and the town hall has been looking for a long time to use and the necessary money to repair it.

Kliknutím zvětšíteNárožní budova někdejšího okresního domu a hejtmanství ve Slaném. | Foto: Deník/Kateřina Nič Husárová

One option to obtain financial support for repairing a multi -storey building is a subsidy for brownfield renewal that could cover up to half the cost.According to the mayor of Slaný Martin Hrabánek (ODS) is an estimate of the reconstruction of the headquarters of around 80 million crowns, and the European subsidies could also help.But everything is now changing in time by increasing prices for material and labor on the market enormously.In the case of this construction, the budget could rise by up to 30 million crowns.Nevertheless, at the ideal case on the "Straják" building could start working in a year.

Práce na kruhových objezdech v Kladně pokračují, za rok přibudou další

Slaný chce opravit bývalý okresní dům, vznikne zde knihovna i obřadní síň

"The city is now preparing applications for subsidies and is devoted to completion of the project.The building is conserved, ”Hrabánek said.The repair itself will take about a year.In addition to the library, the representative premises will be created in the building, which will also serve the town hall, such as weddings, welcoming citizens or other ceremonies.According to the mayor, a new café should also operate under the library..

The Neo -Renaissance building of the Slaný District House was built in 1902.The author of the design is architect Jan Vejrych.The house was located until 1918 by the district governor of Slaný.After the establishment of Czechoslovakia, the District Office of the Political District of Slaný and later the office of the administrative district of the same name was located.At the end of 20.In the century, the Czech Post was located in this house during the reconstruction of its buildings.Police or Labor Office or Art School in the following years.

Předplaťte si Dení a čtěte vše bez limitu a omezení. Více zde.
1.11.2021Diskuzedům, knihovna, oprava, Slaný, ODS, Jan Vejrych, Česká pošta, Úřad práce České republiky, Československo

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