Bioarchateologist: Our genome is from a third of mammoth hunters, Czechs came from Poland

Bioarchateologist: Our genome is from a third of mammoth hunters, Czechs came from Poland


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One of the disciplines that can help in determining the origin of the population of the country is archeogenetics.It compares DNA from archaeological remains with DNA of the current population.

According to Benes, Eurasia, the area of today's Europe and Asia, is not one of the genetically most colorful parts of the world.In this area, the genome is formed for a relatively long time.”The most varied genome is at the point of human origin, ie in Sub -Saharan Africa, as well as in South Arabia, in the Yemen area.These are centers of gene diversity and there is much higher variability of the human genome than in Eurasia.”

”New studies show a great genetic similarity of Czechs to Slovaks and Romanians.But we are genetically similar to the Bavarian and Polish populations. Tam jsou shody poměrně velké,” říká Jaromír Beneš, vedoucí Laboratoře archeobotaniky a paleoekologie na Přírodovědecké fakultě Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, který byl hostem úterního Shotu.

Bioarchateologist: Our genome is from a third of mammoth hunters, Czechs came from Poland

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Are we descendants of mammoth hunters?

„Co se lovců mamutů týče, tak určité genetické jádro evropské populace bylo skutečně těmi mladopaleolitickými lovci, kteří se zda pohybovali zhruba 40 až 24 tisíc let před naším letopočtem,” tvrdí Beneš.'This core consisting of a mitochondrial group U is in a sense in a certain sense in Europe a quarter to a third of the genome.”

"But this is not essential.During the advent of agriculture, the population is significantly applied, which gradually penetrated through the Balkans into Central Europe and the inheritance of this population is about a third.”

”Another genetic element that formed the European population has originated in the Bronze Age.About 2200 to 1500 BC, Europe received a gene population dose that definitively formed it.And then the changes were very small, they did not change significantly genetic map of Europe.”

”Bronze Age is very significant.The original neolithic population, which was largely made up of an Aegean population with the admixture of the original domestic population (ie mammoth hunters and collectors), was slowly complemented by gradual smaller migrations from the North of the Black and Caspian Sea.”

Who gave us the ability to spend cow's milk?

According to Benes, there was a population called a pit complex.According to a study by Science Alert to Europe brought the technology of using horses and wheeled wagons.In addition, their genetic gift was the ability to spend cow's milk well.”These people came from the northern Caucasian area to the eastern part of the Carpathian arch.”

”Current knowledge shows that from the Neolith to the end of the bronze period was not a block exchange of population. Tedy že by se v daném místě vyměnily celé národy,” navazuje Beneš.”So it just couldn't work because most of the migrant people were farmers.And those, if they move from place to place, have everything very well logistically organized.Migration in prehistoric times were not random processes.These were logistically very well organized movements that lasted several generations.”

Bioarchateologist: Our genome is from a third of mammoth hunters, Czechs came from Poland

In the Iron Age, ie in a later period that can be bordered in our territory for the first millennium before our era and about 6.By the century AD, according to Beneš, the situation around migration in Central Europe has changed significantly.

”The Iron Age has been characterized by the fact that society produced so much economic power that it released a group of young warriors, elite retinue who dragged Europe, plundered and murdered. Ale bylo to takové bodové,” popisuje komplikovanou situaci bioarcheolog.

”Imagine a group of twenty to fifty fighters who know where they are going and take what they want because they have sharp swords.Such were the first Germanic tribes in our territory.”

According to Benes, it is wrong to confuse language identity with biological identity, especially in this turbulent period."You could have been a Roman citizen but you were a Germanic and used as a language you used Latin.”

Czechs occupied our territory in military and symbolically

”Czechs, if we imagine them as an organized group of men who occupy an area, got on our territory sometime at the end of the fifth or at 6.century.And so that they have penetrated militarily here.Like that, the Germans penetrated the territory where Celtic was spoken majority.”

”Czechs occupied this territory not only logistically militarily, but also symbolically.Historical sources like Kosmova or Dalimil's Chronicle describe the arrival of the forefather of the Czech.Absolutely iconic symbol. A toto obsazení bylo symbolicky dokresleno tím, že na svých bedrech a prsou nesli dědky,” uvádí Beneš.

”But it wasn't real grandfathers, but about the boys, certain wood idols that symbolized the ancestors.By bringing the sacred mountain with the old Indo -European name Říp they completed the act of preventing the country in the symbolic center of the Czech basin.”

According to Beneš, however, it was not again a block exchange of the Slavic population for the original Germanic -speaking tribes.The population remained original, replaced mostly elites.”This is evidenced by archaeological findings, for example in Roztoky near Prague.”

Why are the Italians darker than the Swedes?

Jaromir Beneš subsequently reiterated in the shoot -out that unlike Sub -Saharan Africa or South Arabia, the European population does not belong to the genetically most colorful world populations.Yet people from the south of Europe are visually different from the Scandinavian inhabitants, with a height, hair color or skin.

”A person is a phenotypically very plastic creature and a few generations is enough for a typical feature for the territory from which it comes from, or to disappear.And these are not just those typical phenotypic features such as skin color or eye color, pigmentation.This is also needed tolerance to lactose.For example, the South European population is less tolerant to intolerant of lactose, they simply hate fresh milk.While Scandinavians have a very high lactose tolerance.”

According to Benes, similar adaptation during development is very fast. Nemusí to trvat tisíciletí, někdy stačí i několikcentury.”But when we talk about the Iron Age and compare the inhabitants of the time with today's population, they were people who looked like us today.There we can no longer talk about the eaten skin color.”

Environmental archeology

Environmental Archeology is the main specialization of Jaromír Beneš.According to him, he can explain the important facts: ”People in Europe were quite early in with their environment so that it was phenotypically.”

”They adapted to the local environment.The skin of Central European people could lighten due to the smaller amount of the sun.If we go towards southern Europe, we are gradually increasing more eaten people with darker hair.”

So who are today's Czechs today?”It is a typical Central European population, or, say, the population of Central-East European, because the distance of several hundred kilometers does not play in the Eurasian space at all.It is a population that is most likely since bronze and iron very well adapted to Central European space.Both economically and population and culturally.”

”It is a population that formed at a time when the Germanic tribes were formed in Central to Northwest Europe and the Slavic Language Circuit in Central and Northeast Europe.But genetically, these units (Germans and Slavs) are very similar because they are the original European population. Jestli pochází více ze západní Ukrajiny nebo z oblastí severně od Tater, to už nehraje příliš velkou roli,” říká Beneš,

”I would mention one example that was published a few years ago.It is an interesting research by Dr. Jurasová from Krakow, Poland, who published with Danes and other members of the International Team. Jde o výzkum několika pohřebišť z římské doby železné, tedy z doby druhého až třetíhocentury našeho letopočtu.”

”They took about twenty samples from the burial grounds out of 13.up to 14.century z téže oblasti,” navazuje bioarcheolog.”They have done an old DNA analysis because it is one of the basic research lines where genetic material is isolated from the bones of the deceased individuals and compared these data with the current genome map in Central Europe.”

”They came to the unambiguous conclusion that these populations from the Iron and Middle Ages overlap, are very similar in genetic haplotypes.And this old DNA is actually very typical of Czechs, Slovaks and Poles.It didn't change much, it just stayed at home.”

“And there is a theory that was once quite alive in Poland. Tedy že obyvatelstvo doby železné na území Polska bylo jedním ze zdrojů slovanského živlu,” doplňuje Beneš.

According to a bioarchateologist, apparently the Czech Slavic population, which came at 5.and 6.century na naše území, pochází z polsko ukrajinského prostoru severně od karpatského oblouku.

Doc.Phdr.Jaromir Beneš, pH.D.

Archaeologist and archeobotanist.Head of the Laboratory of Archeobotany and Paleoekology of the Faculty of Science JČU.He graduated from archeology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, later archeobotany at the then Biology Faculty of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.He is also a lecturer at the Institute of Archeology of the Faculty of Arts, JČU, where he leads a number of students of Master's and doctoral degree.Externally lectures at the Roman University of La Sapienza and at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

(Source: Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia)
