Reconstruction of the apartment: When to get permission and when will it be worth help

Reconstruction of the apartment: When to get permission and when will it be worth help


The reconstruction of the apartment can bring you housing to your liking, but also to cook properly.Especially when you embark on it incredibly and without help.Every intervention is good to think well in advance, it is definitely necessary to determine the budget and build a plan - including backup.Who to contact and when will it be necessary to permit from the Office?

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Assemble your budget

One of the first things to think well is the range of reconstruction.Enjoy a little time and think about what suits you in your home and what doesn't.This will find out what bothers you and what you really need to remodel.

Watch how much money you can invest in the reconstruction and arrange accordingly.Proceed from the most important things to the less essential.A new bathroom is needed, but the difference is whether you get a battery from a design manufacturer or reach for the ordinary.The price difference is tens of percent and you can eat beautiful goods even for ordinary retailers.

Do not underestimate the reserve, both the time and the financial.Add at least 15% of the reserve to the budget, as well.It is not an unfounded pessimism, but rather a reasonable caution.

Consult an expert

Jestli se chystáte pouze vyměnit pár kousků nábytku, vymalovat stěny jinou barvou a nakoupit nové dekorace, se vší pravděpodobností to zvládnete sami.For larger interventions, however, it is good to get advice from experts and entrust them and most of the work.

A housing architect may be useful, whose task is to design spaces so that they are functional and you feel comfortable and at home.

The expert should help you not unnecessarily succumb to trends and instead find your distinctive style that is dressed in the whole housing.At the same time, do not be pushed from him into something you are not essentially convinced.

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Choose the craftsman carefully

The advice of professionals is particularly important for larger reconstructions and remakes of a more technical character.When intervention in the construction and demolition of partitions, also arrange a consultation with a structural engineer.

Rekonstrukce vlastníma rukama vám sice možná ušetří nějaké peníze, bude vás ale stát více času a síly.You risk that something will not succeed, and as a result you may pay much more.If you are not 100 % sure in this respect, hire a technique and a craftsman.

But be careful about who you order for work, first read the experiences of others carefully.Ideal is when someone recommends a friend.Good craftsmen are never easy to get, and especially currently, really choose carefully, even if you were to wait longer.

Get off spare accommodation

Are you going to remodel the entire interior at once?You may need a replacement housing for that time. V rozbořeném obydlí se totiž těžko žije, zejména s domácími mazlíčky a dětmi.

Some construction companies offer a free possibility of spare accommodation, which can be a pleasant bonus for those who cannot stay with friends or relatives.Here, too, it pays to have an alternative in reserve and at least one other place where you could stay for a while for a while.

When will you need permission?

Last but not least, find out whether you need a building permit or the approval of your neighbors and the administrator or the owner of an apartment building.In general, you will not need a building permit for normal apartment modifications in private ownership, during which it does not interfere with the supporting structures and the original disposition of the dwelling is preserved. Sem patří například pokládky nové podlahy, opravy omítky či výměna vybavení.

Plánujete změnit dosavadní využívání některých částí stavby, tedy propojit obývák s kuchyní, přesunout WC nebo třeba zvětšit jeden pokoj na úkor jiného? Pokud přitom nezasáhnete do vzhledu stavby, nosné konstrukce a do životního prostředí, bude vám stačit, když rekonstrukci ohlásíte na příslušném stavebním úřadě.However, once you interfere or add new rooms in the supporting structure, it is necessary to get a building permit.

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Keep in mind that obtaining permission takes about 30 days, so it is important to apply for it in time.Therefore, at the Building Authority, find out well in advance what you have to do and what documents they will require from you.

Nezapomeňte také na to, že ať už provádíte jakékoliv přestavby a úpravy, u nichž počítáte s hlukem, je slušnost to předem oznámit sousedům.

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