Return strength and energy to the beds.How to fertilize them correctly?

Return strength and energy to the beds.How to fertilize them correctly?


Sooner or later, everyone who gardens gets into the cycle of life that takes place in the flower beds during a single season. Life will emerge from the seeds, the flowers will ripen into fruits, after the harvest the rest of the plant dies and decomposes in the soil into nutrients that will give strength to a new birth in the spring. And so it goes on and on. Maybe it's a little scary, but at the same time beautiful and natural. In addition, in autumn it smells wonderful outside, the air is cold and saturated with rotting leaves and wet soil. All the more reason to stay in the flower beds and do some work.

Start a garden in autumn? Perfect!

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Prepare the soil and manure

Harvest the last forgotten pieces of vegetables from the beds. You might still discover some carrot, onion or beetroot. Smaller and softer plant remains, such as carrot cuttings or beetroot leaves, can be left on the beds and buried. It breaks down into nutrients. Pull out the weeds by the roots too, because they are usually the ones that sprout first in the spring.

Restore the power and energy to the flower beds. How is properly fertilize?

Also prepare manure. Horse or cow is best, but you can also use chicken. If you can't find barnyard manure, at least get granulated manure. It is sold in bags at the garden center and is easy to work with - you sprinkle the granules on the soil and dig them in. They will then gradually decompose and release nutrients.

How does manure feed the soil

Manure will supply the soil with new nutrients and the energy it will need in the spring. Plants will need nitrogen in the spring, and manure also contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium or magnesium.

All these substances support the growth of plants, give them strength and strengthen their resistance. Autumn fertilization thus heals, improves and improves the soil.

How much manure to add?

When you buy granulated manure, you will find the recommended dosage on the package. With natural manure it is a little more difficult. You can follow a simple rule - half a kilo of manure is enough for one square meter of the beds, if you just want to fertilize the beds. But if you need to fertilize the soil properly, you can add up to two kilos.

Spread it over the beds, preferably with a pitchfork, and then dig it in, work it into the soil so it can decompose over the winter. You will surely find Grif soon.

And if you are just starting out, try this procedure: dig up the first row of the bed to a depth of about thirty centimeters. Apply a reasonable amount of manure to the furrow, measured per square meter. Then dig another row - and cover the first furrow with manure with the soil from it. And so on until the end.

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The first autumn wreath: Make it from an embroidery hoop!

Don't overdo it with manure

Fertilizing is good for the soil, but there are plants, which need less nutrients. For example onions or garlic. It is planted in autumn and definitely do not put it in freshly fertilized beds. It would be too much for him. It is better to prepare a loose, airy soil enriched with a little sand.

All about growing garlic

Do not overdo it with manure even if you are going to sow plants of the so-called second track, such as carrots or beetroot. On the contrary, kohlrabi, cauliflower, squash, cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery or potatoes will thrive in fertilized beds.

You can store some types of vegetables in the flower beds even through the winter and always have them at hand first-class fresh. Who are affected?

If you enjoy gardening, then don't miss the Masters of Gardens program on Seznam Television on Saturdays at 4:45 p.m. Perhaps you too will be inspired there during some garden transformations.
