Anna Schmidtmajer: When you compare it in your head, the body does anything

Anna Schmidtmajer: When you compare it in your head, the body does anything

Anna Schmidtmajerová: Když si to v hlavě srovnáte, tělo udělá cokoliv

How do you experience motherhood?

It is beautiful.I have always smiled over mothers who melted over the beauty of motherhood and claimed that maternal love was above all else.It seemed exaggerated.Well, now it affected me too.Motherhood is a big thing.Emilie is a great partner.She is funny, and if nothing bothers her, even a smiling cool.

You focused on acting and acrobatics.How did you deal with the limitations that motherhood brings?

Most of all, Covid limited me.I was pregnant when it started all, and I was a little in the nerves as the situation would evolve.I didn't want to be at the birth, I wanted to have my partner with me.Fortunately, I managed to give birth in the deadline, when it has been allowed for about ten days.That was very relieved.

I gave birth in the maternity hospital in Nymburk, where they were very helpful.It was very nice that the partner could sometimes come to us.The health professionals just accommodated their parents.They tried to keep the restrictions, but at the same time they did not want to violate the parent bond, which is great.So most of all I was limited by Covid's measures, then that we had a baby at home.

Is that a big life change or not?

Yes it is.Yet I managed to work with Emilia a little.For Covida and still pregnant I helped my agency in the agency, where I sometimes cast texts on the camera.I enjoyed it very much.It was a stress -free job where I didn't.And so I enjoyed it enough.

Your sister Johan is also an actress, will she find time to be aunt?

Definitely.He has a lot of work to do because deferred projects are beginning to be realized.It now has about four theater premieres and at the same time the dusty of things that have been rehearsed and started to ice.But when it goes, they try to come to us.She spends time with Emilia, just yesterday to sleep.They are great partners.

What about the night?

Do you mean mine or daughters?(Laughs)

Dítě musí mít režim. Cítím to i na Emílii. Když jsme měli pár dní rozvolněné lážo plážo, bylo znát, že jí to nesvědčí

Daughters, of course.How do you handle them?

There were a few when they were quite tiny.It was a stomach ache and I tried everything I knew, but nothing helped much.Fortunately, it never took all night.We have always balanced it.But I have heard that some mothers have it a lot worse, so the few nights could stand.Then we knew how to do it.

What mother are you?Liberal or traditional?

I think a child must have boundaries and regime.I feel it on Emilia.When we had a few days loose beach, it was obvious that she didn't tell her.It is important that she eats at a certain hour and goes to bed, even if she doesn't want much.He wants to do something else, but I'm a parent to give her what's good at the moment.I know that if she sleeps, she'll be better.

I try to set the boundaries and set aside time for myself.I deal with my daughter like a partner, not like a small baby.I speak to her like straight.So let's see what it will bring.

In some theatrical performances you focus on acrobatics.You even practiced as pregnant at a height without belaying.How was it then?

That's right, but I didn't do anything dangerous to me or baby.I have always tried to adjust it to make me feel comfortable.Also, one doctor confirmed that in pregnancy it is not necessary to terminate the physical activity you are used to.The only thing is that you have to be receptive to yourself, and if you feel good, then everything is fine.

Didn't you be afraid?

I have a healthy respect, which is fine.I had it, even though I was pregnant, and I have it now.

How did you return to fit after giving birth?

By closing theaters, it wasn't my return to the stage after giving birth.I tried to get a little physical myself, but it's hard with the child.So it took a while to improve.It moved most this summer, when we spontaneously practiced on holiday with my partner every day.We made some reinforcers and then I could keep this mode myself.

I knew I needed it, because in the autumn I have to shoot and play.There is not much fifteen minutes a day and gives something to the body.For my birthday I got in-line skates, which in our country in Poděbrady where we live, I will use.We have perfect long cycle paths.In-line skates I also rode with a carriage.It was not easy to move after giving birth, but somehow it is possible, even if the body is different.

Did you appear in the movie Zátopek, what was the work?

Very nice, although the shooting was difficult in places.I also filmed the crowd scenes, in which David Ondříček was for director and the whole crew of the most demanding everything to coordinate and align everything so that everything went to the event.It started sometimes in the middle of the day and spinned almost until morning.And we were still happy, according to the script.

What did you make fun of?

There was just a celebration of victory and wedding.

In front of the camera you met with actors from the Dejvice Theater you know from the performance Honey.What was the meeting?

I like a bunch of Detectors very much and it was nice to meet.Interesting about filming was that I had to learn dialects, even though I only made one sentence in it.I was a little worried about it and I was glad that there were no more sentences.I was afraid it wasn't stupid to people who really speak.It was a great responsibility.

Když jsem závodně plavala, heslo „když nemůžeš, tak přidej“ jsem nesnášela. Nikdy jsem nechtěla být takhle tvrdá

I wanted to play it well to make it real.I send a big thank you to Marta Iss and Vašek Neužil as they did.Seeing the film at the premiere was a caress.I can be critical of Czech films, sometimes I don't like some things on them, but this was just a nice experience.

Did you learn something new about Zátopka?

I have always had them in the consciousness, but I learned the most when my sister Joan learned the role of Dana Zátopková in the game at the Minor Theater.It was about the same time we were shooting, and she brought me a lot of new information.Then I had a little lead.

How do you like Mr. Zátopek's motto "If you can't, add"?

When I was swimming, I hated it.When we went to run for training, I wondered how someone could say this?I can't, give me peace anymore, so I felt it.I did not like when the coach stepped on us.

But sometimes it has something in itself and it's always about the head.About how you set and compare it.Then the body does anything.I never wanted to go through my possibilities and be so hard together.But I have experienced a few such moments too.

Ve filmu Jedině Tereza humor stříká proudem, všichni jsme se při natáčení nasmáli. Snad to bude vidět i na plátně

Did you return to the theater after birth?

Yes, I took over the role of Erice Stárková in Žítkov goddesses.That's a novelty.We also play things to play and postpone.I'd rather be more at home than still in the theater and I hope it will be so soon.I thought I would play three times four times a month and there would be peace, but now there's much more.It's inflated, but I hope it will be better in December.

There is no other job now, but I don't mind because of motherhood.I know something will come again.I don't worry.I have priorities assembled differently.

You recently met Iva Janžurová in front of the camera.In comedy?

Yes, it is romantic and is only called Tereza.Humor is spraying there and we all laughed.Perhaps, when we had fun, it will be seen on the canvas.I really liked how Igor Orozovich was connected to Janžurka.Their scenes were great and it sparkled perfectly among them.

You also sing singing, sing jazz.Where do you get off?

Mám koncerty s klavíristou Vladimírem Strnadem. Občas mi něco zkorepetoval. Párkrát jsme se sešli a on mě vyzval ke spolupráci. Vzniklo uskupení Anna, Karel & Jazz. Ladíme to humorně, není to seriózní večer, ale setkání s hudbou, kde se mají lidi pobavit.

What is rest for you?

It looks like I will return home to Poděbrady, sit on the couch and let Emilia do what he wants for a moment.There is a big difference in the beats of cities.In Poděbrady he is calmer, I exhale and calm down, while in Prague it is frantic.

I also love to relax in yoga, I devote myself to its bikram variant in forty -two degrees.There I always fix the ailments in my head and body.And I am most reassured by the fact that sometimes I get offers where they want to occupy me directly.They could increase.
