Why is our city called Chodov?- Horydoly.cz - Outdoor Generation

Why is our city called Chodov?- Horydoly.cz - Outdoor Generation

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Chods appeared in written sources at 13.century.It is not clear whether they are descendants of the early medieval guardians of the Czech border, German colonizers, or introduced Poles from Hnězdn from the time of the attacks of Czech princes to Poland in 11.century.

The task of the courses was intelligence.They walked around the Earth's border, watched troops, fought with the enemy's forward reconnaissance troops, and also built defensive jams.In times of peace they checked settlement, wood mining and grazing.

Proč se naše město jmenuje Chodov? - Horydoly.cz - Outdoor Generation

The Chods were settled in 11 villages around Domažlice: Klenčí pod Čerchovem, Chodov, Postřekov, Draženov, Stráž, Újezd, Tlumačov, Starý Klíčov, Mrákov, Chodská Lhota, Pocinovice.Used a common seal and a flag with a pair of felt shoes (the dog's head was supplied to romantic during the national revival).

At 16.and 17.century postavení Chodů postupně upadalo.The reason was to stabilize the Earth's border and reduce the number of local wars.Moreover, a large part of their privileges were used and did not have the right to modern society.At the end of 17.century proto došlo k chodskému povstání, které bylo potlačeno, a tím skončila chodská historická úloha.
