White Escape: More and more native British leave Britain.Because of immigration

White Escape: More and more native British leave Britain.Because of immigration

White flight: more and more native Britons are leaving Britain. Because of immigration

Author: Viktor Svoboda | Published: 8/24/2007 | Heading: News

A quarter of British newborns have foreign parents A quarter of newborns born in Britain now have a foreign father or mother, official figures revealed today. The proportion of children with at least one foreign-born parent rose from one fifth to one quarter between July 2001 and 2006, says the Office for National Statistics. A spokesman said: "We have figures for the proportion of foreign-born fathers and mothers, and it has risen slightly from less than 20 per cent to just over 25 per cent today. This reflects the cumulative effect of immigration over the last 40 years". ..Immigrants to Britain last year totaled 574,000, down 25,000 on the previous year.However, a record 385,000 emigrated from Britain last year - the highest number since the current counting method was introduced in 1991, and 49,000 more people than the previous year.

White flight: more and more native-born are leaving Britain British. Because of immigration

Brits fleeing violence More people left Britain than in any other year since records began in 1991, statistics show. Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that around 385,000 people left Britain long-term last year. ... Of those who left, 196,000 were British citizens, while 189,000 were "long-term migrants" who had lived in Britain for more than a year. Dean Morgan of workpermit.com said: "The perception of crime is another of the main reasons why people want to leave." "People are also worried about their children and their jobs and their future, and maybe the economy." The most popular destinations for emigrants include Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa, Morgan added.

Brits fleeing immigration More and more people are choosing to live abroad because of the current UK immigration policy, according to www.globalvisas.com, a specialist immigration consultancy that provides immigration advice and visa services. As the number of immigrants to Britain from the newly acceded countries of the European Union increases, more and more Britons are choosing to take their experience and skills abroad. Director Liam Clifford said: "Since January 2007, we have seen an 80 per cent increase in the number of Britons applying to move abroad. As this growth continues, so have the number of inquiries about help with migration to another country. In recent months we have received up to 4,000 requests in a single week from people who have had enough of Britain and want to leave." He adds: "The main reason these people are leaving Britain is ironically the overloading of services caused by immigrants coming to Britain. We are aware of the issue of so-called 'white flight' from certain city centers to the suburbs, but people are now increasingly looking for the better standard of living offered by other countries The consultancy services both immigrants to Britain and Britons who want to emigrate to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. After more than twelve years in the business, the firm has seen an increasing number of non-European and unskilled EU citizens coming to Britain in recent years, and is now seeing a dramatic increase in the number of Britons leaving Britain.

Translated from English by Viktor Svoboda

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