Vlasta Štáflová, Czech Climber in the High Tatras
The valley was amazingly colored, far mountains on the horizon almost cheered with purple and blue tones, and circled pink over Krivan, tell you, quite pink cloud.
Vlasta Štáflová: Hore Zdar!
14.February seventy years ago burned Dresden in a terrible fire that unleashed the air raids of American and British flying forts.The random victim of this huge air raid required by the Red Army was Prague.One of the thousands of victims became Vlasta Štáflová.It's just seventy years old.
Puff on the volume of the vezu
Vlasta Štáflová (1907 - 1945) wrote many girl novels, mostly balancing on the border of kitsch and often exceeded it.In addition, she published in Zora magazines, the beauty of Slovakia, the Slovak East and the High Tatras.
She was a member of the Slovak mountaineering association James.She and her husband had a mountain hotel Popradské Pleso since 1929.She wrote her books and climbed with the elite Czech climbers of the time.
The most important output of her life is Štáflovka to choose the tower in the High Tatras, which she climbed with Karel Čabelka and Ladislav Šabata 9.July 1935.The journey is still one of the most popular in the whole mountain range.
GUIDE: Staplovka on Voliu Vežu in the High Tatras
Joska Smítka and Vlasta in Hruboskalsko
On the rough rock climbed for 2.World War II with Joska Smítka.While the Tatras was a climbing star, it was no longer so hot on Czech sandstone.In Sedmihorky she moved between the spa cream and only occasionally grinded between dirty and torn climbers.Jim was dominated by Joska Smítka.In addition to being a leading ideologist of sports climbing and the best climber, he was also a troublemaker and basically stiffened.In the end, the Gestapo looked for him and chased him for not getting on forced work.Most of the climbers of the time in the Bohemian Paradise were close to puberty, from workers' professions or unemployed, instinctively with the clone to the left.Pre -war generation of educated and financially successful masters held back.
Whether it happened between Joska Smítka and Vlasta Štáflová will never know.Joska managed to enter his performances into the sand sky, but the secular power sent him to Terezin, where he was executed with his climbing species a little later before Vlasta Štáflová died.
On the sandstones Vlasta Štáflová climbed the most difficult first ascent of the eastern joint on the struggle tower in the Hruboskalské rock town together with Vladimír Procházka older 10.May 1940.After she climbed the dragon wall with Joska Smítka, she wrote a charming book for the youth of Kavč from the Dragon Rocks.It describes a wonderful view from the summit, view of the tower Větrník, the castle Hrubá skály and the surroundings of the Dragon Rocks.The book illustrated her husband.Was released in 1945, apparently only after her death.
A fatal mistake of allied bombers
During the war, they lived with their husband in their apartment building on the splendid Vinohrady in Mánesova Street near the main railway station Prague.Maliř Otakar Štáfl had a studio and writer Vlasta Štáflová still writing books for girls.
They became fatal to the allied bombers' raid on Prague.At that time, the air crews had the target of the German Dresden.Strong wind at height, large clouds on the ground and generally unclear navigation together with technical problems caused a tragic mistake - some bombers dropped a deadly cargo 150 kilometers elsewhere than in Saxony.Prague, although the imperial city, was undamaged until then.Many military material was not produced here, and also as a crossroads of large military convoys was not significant.
That was why after many aircraft alarms that had been shown by Planá, Praguers refused to run into covers and cellars.They thought it would be forever.But when on the ash Wednesday 14.February 1945 after noon opened the clouds, the commander of the bomber squadron decided to see Dresden, and let the bombs cover the railway knot from the main station to Vršovice.Štáfl became one of the less than ten thousand victims of their recklessness in their apartment building.
Climbers do not forget
After Vlasta Štáflová is named Vlastina Wall in the climbing area of Serbia near Beroun and the tower of Vlasta Štáflová in the Příhrazské rocks in the Bohemian Paradise.Several decades have also maintained the artificial name of the Vlasta Tower in the High Tatras, but then the authors of the guides returned to the original name Ihla in Patrie.
Books of Vlasta Štáflová
Dana (girl, friend, student, scout) Diary of the 15 -year -old Mountain ZDAR!Chamois Kavče from dragon rocks Reflexes on the surface - Tatra moods with a breathtaking breath Zorka Zorka, Tuláček Halo - Friend
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