Two dolls played on the Bošilcky bridge

Two dolls played on the Bošilcky bridge

On that bridge in Bošilek, two virgins played dice|: they played they played they played until they rolled and fell off the bridge :|

Not all girls are the same, some have black faces|: some have black faces, some have black faces, some have black faces :|

Don't trust girl, boy, unfaithful, river, don't measure water|: the water will run out, the boy will run away, love will end :|

Starý Bošilecký pond

The Bošilecký bridge leads over the outlet of the Bošilecký pond. It is not known what was here first - the bridge over the stream or the pond.

Bošilecký pond is considered the oldest of the main carp ponds on the Třeboň estate. It is about as old as the church. Its existence is already documented in 1355, although probably on a smaller area than today.

The area of ​​the Bošilecký rybník today is 201 hectares and the maximum depth is 5 meters. It has not changed since 1379, when the causeway was built as we see it today. A sign that it is a very old pond is a short dike that is only 340 meters long. At the bridge there is an interesting outlet combined with a safety overflow.

During the Hussite wars, the Hussites dug a dike to destroy the pond, but mainly to wash away the villages below it as far as Veselí nad Lužnicí. Immediately after the war of 1430, the dam was repaired according to the agreement of Oldřich II. from Rožmberk and Jan Malovce from Pacov. The painter repaired the pond at his own expense and stocked it with fish. In return, Oldřich provided him with as many fish as he had put in during the first catch, and the rest were shared equally between the two.

The Bošilecký pond was fed only by rainwater, so it was a heavenly pond. During the prolonged drought, the water deteriorated and the fish died.

This problem was solved in 1520 by the ingenious water manager Štěpánek Netolický, when he built the Zlata stoka. The artificial irrigation of ponds on the left bank of the Lužnice, 45 kilometers long, provides water to this day. It is estimated that every drop of water is used for 8 years before it passes through the entire pond system from the Pilař dam to Veselí nad Lužnicí.

The Bošilecký pond used to be summered, which means that in a few years it was drained and the overgrown bottom was used for grazing. Disputes about grazing between the Bošilecký and Dynínský got so far that in 1606 boundary stones were planted at the bottom of the pond. The part called Chobot was reserved for the inhabitants of Dynín. The importance of this legal act was given by the personal participation of Petr Vok from Rožmberk.

During the Thirty Years' War, the pond was drained, just as it was during the Hussite Wars, but was restored again.

PONDS: What and why are they called?

The pond is fed by the Zlatá stoka

The Bošilecký pond is mainly fed from the Zlatá stoka from the Kvíčadlo pond and further from the Bošilecký stream and its tributary the Dynínské stream. Its outlet consists of 3 cast-iron pipes with a diameter of 0.4 m covered with wooden paddles.

The Bošilecký pond is fished once every two years. Previously, it used to be strictly on Dušičky, today this date is flexible under the option of the Třeboň Fishery. Old tradition dictated that the fisher's chasa had to attend mass. The fishing was suspended during the service. In order not to frighten the fish in the fishing grounds by the ringing of the bells, the priest received fish from the fishermen so that the morning bell would not ring.

The pulpit in the church is in the shape of a whale

The church has a famous pulpit in the shape of a whale, which was transferred here in 1786 from the closed church of St. Barbara in Třebon. In the Czech Republic, pulpits of a similar design have been preserved only in the Church of St. James in Kratonohy and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Mnichovice. However, the whale does not so much refer to the fishing trade as to the legend of Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale. Jonah in this story is an Old Testament prophet of both Christianity and Islam.

The village of Bošilec itself, between Bošilec and Horusický rybník, is a village monument zone. Not far from the bridge stood the Knížecí hospoda, where honorees from nearby Třeboň went to have fun, including gambling backgammon, or dice. We can certainly imagine that the heightened emotions could have led to each other throwing themselves off the bridge into the stream bed.

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History of songs on HORYDOLY

Silent night, holy night

When I went through the Putim Gate

I grew millet on the headland

Hotel Savoy

Dew on the rails

When the White Rocks fall silent

Mc Laren mine

Letter to Free Europe

Up the Old Castle Stairs

Tibetan anthem

The one who plays

Trucker's Hitch

LIST: Songbooks on the Internet
