Cruel frosts, blizzards, disasters.Chronicles brings testimony to the turn of the years

Cruel frosts, blizzards, disasters.Chronicles brings testimony to the turn of the years


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Many decades ago, the beginnings of years in the west of Bohemia were not just a Christmas fairy tale.The freezing grip alternated with sharp ledings and floods, and snow storms, but also murders, quarrels in pubs, great damage to game and flu.See what chroniclers have written in commemorative books in the 1920s and 1960s.

Kliknutím zvětšíteDobové ilustrace kronik, snímky a pohlednice z dob dávno minulých. | Foto: Kronika Michalových Hor

Chronicler Vojtěch Válek enrolled in the memorial book of Michal Mountains and an interesting phenomenon in the sky, which took place on the first day of 1968.

“Snow began on November 27, 1967, but the right chumenice occurred on 6 December.Two days later frosts up to -10 ° C.And the snow was still increasing, so on December 22 it was half a meter and anyone was looking forward, especially children, for white Christmas.But on Christmas Eve a sharp thaw, Kosí brook spilled through the valley to the cellars of the surrounding houses.Bedřich Altman, a 50 -year -old local settler, did not remember such a flood.There was one and a half meters of water in the cellar.This thaw was throughout Europe and had disastrous consequences. ”

The first day of 1968 showed an interesting thing in the sky, which the chronicler also did not hesitate to write.“The beginning of the year was on the morning of January 1 with a red sky, which, according to old pranostics, could mean wars and storms frequent.It still lasted, but on 7 January, the first frost of -17 ° Celsius hit, which then lasted for a snowstorm, which refuted in Bonenov and bought half a meter of new snow until Sunday 17th January.The first storm, according to the pranostic, broke down in our pub on Friday after the New Year, when he was fighting, who had his hands, which was created after a quarrel of drunk fucks mostly under 18 years, one of which had to be taken with cut hands to the hospital.

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On January 18, pedestrians observed a dense smoke roof with the descriptive number 80, caused the alarm, the planned firefighters with a syringe and safety arrived, but then it was discovered that the chunders made a fire on the house.The drunkenness of the Cundrák was caused by the innkeeper and the fire was also founded by the young men. ”

Steep melting, half a meter of new snow and tornado

“On Monday, there was again a sharp melting.The mowing stream flooded and the temperature rose to a plus of five degrees.It took until January 18, when it began to snow and the third winter occurred, when it attacked on 25 January again half a meter of snow.The temperature fluctuations are unnatural.During the whole winter it was not almost the only sunny day, and on 6 April it was snowing again throughout the day. ”

Kruté mrazy, vánice, katastrofy. Kroniky přináší svědectví přelomů roků

The Michal Mountain was probably hit in April 1968 by a small tornado.“There was a funnel -shaped windstorm on the square.The black dust left on the road after winter sprinkles was formed about 50 meters high funnel about five meters wide and rushed to the gardens behind the fire station, where it soon disappeared.Several people waiting for the bus had to crouch down to the ground and protect their children so that the whirlwind would not.The steel waiting room cloudy and pulled several tin plates from the roof that flew at about 10 meters through the air. ”

Catastrophic winter 1929

In the search in the chronicles, the beginning of 1929 cannot be forgotten.

Orientální tanec není ke svádění mužů, je to radost, uvolnění a krása

The commemorative book of the Czech elementary school in Tachov writes: On February 15, no children came to kindergarten at all, only seven came to their first grade and only 12 to the second grade. For excessive frosts and for great winter it was not possible to teach at all.The thermometer inside showed only three degrees above zero, and the water in the sink two meters from the stove did not freeze in the morning.On February 18, the Ministry of Education was stopped at all schools for large frosts until 24 February.Much bad weather conditions did not improve, so the Ministry of Education was ordered to start teaching only on 1 March.


The memorial of the district gendarmerie headquarters in Mariánské Lázně introduces at the beginning of 1929: Miner Michal Murdered in a rush of mental illness of his six -year -old son with a kitchen knife, and tried to murder the whole family, then lit his house.The miner was arrested by the gendarmerie station in Milíkov.

At the beginning of February, the cruel winter struck and frosts reached up to thirty degrees Celsius below zero, while attacking a large amount of snow so that rail transport had to be limited.This natural disaster persisted until March.The gendarmerie chronicle also mentions that in 1929 the Czechoslovak airline launched regular transport on the new line Mariánské Lázně - Nuremberg and back.

The Black -Mountains gift

The chronicle of the elementary school and the National School in Černošín states that the Christmas present was organized on 22 December in the school classroom.She was also attended by her parents' parents, and we will be sung under the shining tree with the carols, we will go to Bethlehem and Merry Christmas Feast together.Then after the speech of the school administrator distributed to the children gifts prepared under the Christmas tree, some received dresses, different shoes, linen, caps and the like.All then Christmas and carol.On February 6, 1929, a bus connection with Svojšín started.The bus is transported to the railway station Svojšín - Černošín four times a day, one ride costs four crowns.The number of bus lines in Černošín increased to three, to silver, Planá and Svojšín.

The pipe was frozen, there was no water

In January and February this year, the cruelly unheard of frosts, such as a witness.The temperature dropped to minus 27 degrees Celsius, causing severe disorders in the transport of rail and freezing of many people.The water pipe frozen, so there was no water.Great damage to the frosts between game and also widespread infectious diseases, especially flu.Naturally, school attendance suffered especially when the flu spread among children.Increased heating was soon consumed normal fuel reserves in schools and the delivery of new ones was impossible for traffic calamity.For these reasons, the Ministry of Education decided, teaching at all schools would be stopped at all until 24 February.However, the reasons for this measure lasted further, and therefore it was ordered to stop teaching at all schools by the end of February.Regular bills started again on the first of March.

The parish book Chodová Planá has glued clippings from the press.The headlines speak of a decline in minus 41 ° C and the disastrous consequences of cold.

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30.12.2021Mráz, kniha, bouře, Česko, Ministerstvo školství, Vánoce, Černošín, Svojšín, Mráz, kniha, bouře, Česko, Ministerstvo školství, Vánoce, Černošín, Svojšín

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