Self-employed persons can already apply for nursing allowance for December and January

Self-employed persons can already apply for nursing allowance for December and January

Parents who are self-employed (self-employed) can apply for nursing home allowance for the months of December and January. The amount of the nursing fee for one calendar day is 400 crowns.

From when until when can you apply for nursing allowance

Receiving applications started on February 10, 2021.

Applications will end on 11 March 2021 at 11:59 p.m.

Application form for nursing home allowance for December 2020 and January 2021

Who can apply for nursing allowance

Self-employed persons who are self-employed as their main activity and who had to limit their business after the closure of schools and social facilities in order to take care of a child under 10 years of age or care for a disabled person are entitled to nursing allowance .

Additional conditions you must meet:

December, for which days you can apply

For December, you can only apply for nursing home allowance for the days 21 and 22 December 2020, when schools were closed on the basis of a crisis measure taken by the government.

The self-employed can now apply for nursing allowance for December and January

A self-employed person who takes care of a preschool child can apply for nursing allowance for days 21-22. 12. 2020 only if the child could not attend kindergarten or other preschool due to quarantine in this facility or quarantine in the household where he lives. If a self-employed person takes care of a child attending 1st or 2nd grade, they can apply for support on days 21-22. 12. 2021, when the school was closed by a government resolution on the adoption of a crisis measure.

January, which days can you apply for

For January, it is possible to apply for nursing care allowance for the period from 1/4/2021 to 1/28/2021. (1/1/2021 and 1/29 2021 are not counted because these are school vacation days and the law excludes the right to receive sick pay during the vacation.)

If a self-employed person takes care of a preschool child or a child who is a 1st or 2nd grade student, he can apply for nursing allowance for the month of January 2021 only if the child could not attend kindergarten, school or other educational facilities due to quarantine in this facility or quarantine in the household where he lives.

It is not possible to apply for nursing home allowance in case of voluntary leaving of a child or treated person in home care.

Who is not entitled to nursing allowance

The recipient of nursing allowance cannot be:

What needs to be stated in the application

You fill in the name, address and website of the school or social institution in the application. In the case of a general closure of schools or facilities based on a government order, you do not need to provide any confirmation, only a sworn statement contained in the form is sufficient. However, if necessary, the Ministry of Industry may ask you to supplement, if you have not already applied for sick leave in previous months.

If you are filling out the application for the first time, the form will ask you to prove the existence of at least one child, for example by attaching a copy of a certificate or other document.

If the school, kindergarten or other facility is closed by the operator or the hygiene department itself, you must attach a confirmation of closure indicating the beginning and end of the closure to the application (for example, a screenshot with an email from the hygiene station or the founder).

If you are caring for a dependent child under the age of 26 or an older family member dependent on the care of another person, you must attach to the application a confirmation from the OSSZ that you are self-employed for your main activity. Furthermore, the decision of the labor office on the care allowance, if you have not already submitted it to the previous calls.

How to apply

You can only apply for nursing allowance using the prescribed form on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Fill out and sign the application.

You can send the signed original of the application in three ways:

Arrears to the selected authorities

Before completing the application, you will have to honestly declare that you have no arrears to the selected institutions and to support providers from projects co-financed from the European Union budget. You will also need to prove that you are not in bankruptcy or liquidation.

The selected institutions are the financial administration, the customs administration, the CSSS and the health insurance company. If you have arrears, you are not entitled to nursing allowance. You can only claim for days when you don't owe anything.

However, if you owe money to one or more institutions, but you have an approved repayment schedule and you are not in arrears with your repayments or you have been granted a deferment, you are seen as a debt-free person and you will be awarded the nursing allowance.

What to look out for

The Ministry of Industry encourages you to remember the following when applying:
