print font size Try burdock - it tastes good, slows down aging and cleans the blood. How to grow it?

print font size Try burdock - it tastes good, slows down aging and cleans the blood. How to grow it?

It is a sought-after delicacy

Children love the flowers, which form spiky balls and which catch so well on clothes or in their hair. Women probably like the flowers best in a vase, where they create impressive decorations in combination with other meadow plants.

Burdock grows around roads and fences, in ditches and in meadows. However, it can also be grown, which is definitely worth it if you consume it frequently. They know it in China and Japan, where burdock is considered a delicacy. Crispy, freshly grown shoots can be consumed from the plant, peeled petioles easily replace vegetables - they can be eaten raw or cooked like asparagus. A special delicacy is the pith, which has a delicate nutty taste. In contrast, the leaves are bitter and bad.

The roots are about one meter long, they have the most medicinal effects of the entire plant, but only if the plant first blooms. Therefore, they are collected from autumn to spring of the following year.

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Don't be afraid to grow it

Burdocks will thrive in sandy loam soil that has enough humus. Conversely, acidic soils that dry out are unsuitable. It can be grown in tombs or rows, the seed is planted in the spring to a depth of about 1 centimeter. During the growing season, two plowings must be carried out, one after the burdock emerges, the second after about 14 days.

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There are three types of burdock here - felt burdock, greater burdock and lesser burdock. All three species have a very similar appearance and health effects, so there is no need to distinguish them when collecting. The root is harvested, which is dug up in early spring, before the plant puts out leaves. In addition to it, young leaves and seeds can also be used.

Cleanses the whole body

The plant is a rich source of fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, it also contains essential oils, inulin, tannins and other minerals. Thanks to its composition, burdock has rich purifying effects on the whole body - it can purify the blood, rid it of toxins and traces of heavy metals, improves the function of the lymphatic system, induces sweating, acts as a laxative and helps with water retention. It can even slightly dissolve urinary and gallstones.

In addition, it also regulates digestion and lowers blood sugar levels, supporting the activity of the spleen. Because it has anti-inflammatory effects, it is used in the treatment of various skin problems – against fungi, skin ulcers, warts and oily skin, as well as in the treatment of angina.

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In case of swelling, apply crushed burdock leaves, which will also work on an itchy rash or bruise. Thanks to its ability to rid the body of toxins, it slows down aging and reduces its manifestations.

Try a decoction of burdock and your hair will thank you

Burdock has beneficial effects on hair growth, helps against hair loss, dandruff and when greasing it. It even optically increases their volume. So the decoction is definitely worth a try.

For the decoction, you will need 5 spoons of burdock root (or young leaves), 5 spoons of nettle, 3 spoons of birch leaves, 3 spoons of walnut leaves and 2 spoons of chamomile flowers. Mix all the herbs except the burdock.

If we have a root, bring half a liter of water to a boil and boil one spoonful of the root for 3 to 5 minutes. We do not boil burdock leaves, we just pour boiling water over them. Add a spoonful of the mixture of other herbs and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. We strain and can be used as a rinse after shampoo or to massage the scalp. To promote hair growth and to remove dandruff, it is recommended to use this decoction twice a week.

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