iRozhhpas 'loud alternative to liberals.'

iRozhhpas 'loud alternative to liberals.'

Advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the economy Sergei Glaziev leaves the Kremlin after seven years.He was a convinced supporter of the stronger role of the state in the Russian economy, wrote Bloomberg on Friday.He also became famous for a number of controversial statements from which the Kremlin had to distance himself.

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Glaziev scared investors with his challenges to massive spending of state funds, deprivation of dollar reserves or renewing capital flow control.In the Kremlin, he was also an open supporter.

Putin first spoke to Zelensko.Phoned for the conflict in the east of Ukraine and the exchanges of prisoners


According to analysts, the outgoing advisor created in Putin's circle of economic advisors to counterbalancers to market principles such as ex -Finance ex -Finance Alexei Kudrin."Glazevo's role in the Kremlin was to ensure that there was a loud alternative to the liberals so that they did not feel that they were masters of the financial-economic sector," commented political scientist Andrej Kolesnikov from the Moscow Center of Carnegia.

Glaziev is famous for a number of controversial statements that, according to the Newsr could be considered undesirable in the Kremlin.In 2017 he said that Russia would return to economic growth if he lives according to the principles of Jesus Christ.A year earlier compared the state of the Russian economy with a patient suffered by myocardial infarction.President's spokesman Dmitry Peskov had to rush with the explanation that Glaziev said "exclusively his point of view" that the Kremlin does not share.

iRozhlas ‚Hlasitá alternativa vůči liberálům.‘ Kontroverzní ekonomický poradce Kremlu Glazjev odchází z funkce

Insults and threats

This May, Glazev accused the new Ukrainian President Volodymyra Zelenky that he might try to settle Donbas by Jewish immigrants and cleanse the separatist east of Ukraine from ethnic Russians.Even in this case, the Kremlin distanced himself from the verdict, saying that the advisor expressed his personal opinion.

Putin versus young liberals.As a new generation of fearless opponents grew up to the Russian ruler


Due to the support of Russian annexation of Crimea, Glaziev found himself on the US and the European Union sanction list, and is prosecuted in Ukraine.Militant nationalist is famous for the indiscriminate dictionary and insults of Ukrainian and European politicians, for example, ex -president Petr Poroshenko described as "Nazi Frankenstein".According to some analysts, his statements Kremlin used unstoppped threats towards the West.

Glaziev will now operate in the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EES), which brings together Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.In the past, he has already participated in the creation of a customs union that preceded the establishment of the Union.

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