How to plant potatoes: varieties, time of seedlings and what to do not to catch mold

How to plant potatoes: varieties, time of seedlings and what to do not to catch mold


Vegetables from your own garden taste somehow better.And growing potatoes is no science if you follow several principles. Už starý hospodářský kalendář Svět venkova z roku 1920 radí pěstovat hlavně rané brambory, které se sklízí už kolem června, tedy v době, kdy se ještě nedostává dalších plodin.The main conditions of success are the ground, position, type of potatoes and germination of tubers.And this is true to this day.So select a good variety and come bet.

Farmářské brambory

Plněné brambory v alobalu: Tyhle triky je zdokonalí

Choose Sadb Potatoes

In the horticulture right now you can get sadb potatoes.And you will have a lot to choose from.Around 140 varieties of potatoes are registered!Early or semi -early potatoes are suitable for growing in the garden due to the length of the vegetation period - ie from planting to harvest.How to follow?

Germination of tubers and soil preparation

Two things decide on the success of potato cultivation - germination of tubers and soil preparation.The best time to germinate tubers is March.If you have falling asleep in this respect, get a seedlings in the horticulture.

Prepare good conditions before you plant the potatoes.Choose a sunny place that is protected to weather conditions. Dařit se jim bude v lehčí humózní půdě, nejlépe písčité a hodně kypré.Way the potato bed well, work into it the bolted horse (or cow) manure or compost.Count about one bucket per two square bed.

The right weather for potatoes

The old peasants planted potatoes around St. Adalbert, because then there is warming and the weather conditions are improving.He celebrates the holiday today.Experienced farmers put their fingers into the soil and knew if it had the right temperature.We take the thermometer to help - at a depth of about one centimeter, the soil should have at least 6 ° C, it is better when it is warm to 8 ° C.You can plant potatoes until half of May.

How far to plant

Potatoes are planted in rows, between which the distance is about 45 centimeters, and the individual tubers then need 25 centimeters. Hloubku odměřte podle velikosti hlíz, měla by být asi o jeden až dva centimetry vyšší, než je výška hlízy.When planting, the eyes (places, from which the potatoes germinate) should be directed up.Create the so -called Hrůbky above the potatoes by raising the soil to about 10 to 15 centimeters.

When to embed the ground

Pour the flower beds and keep them slightly damp, at least until they picture and appear the first green leaves.If it is dry, occasionally pour them.Boot the potatoes for the first time and re -enter the ground when the plants are about 5 centimeters above the ground.The old economic calendar advises to hoe again when they reach a height of about 12 centimeters.Bathing and pulling potatoes helps the plants to protect against mold and other diseases.

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How to harvest potatoes

That the potatoes are ready for harvesting can be recognized by the top that turn yellow and dry.Already prepare baskets and crates at the time.Remove the potatoes first, then carefully spread the tubes with hoe, rakes or spade and choose the tubers. Skladujte v chladném a tmavém sklepě.Beware of moisture and mold that would quickly turn off the crop.

Tip: Mezi řádky raných brambor můžete vysázet i pozdní zelí, a to právě koncem května nebo začátkem června.Then you get two crops from one place.

And what do you cook from your own potatoes?
