Happy gardeners or when work gives a sense of meaningfulness and importance

Happy gardeners or when work gives a sense of meaningfulness and importance

Happy gardeners or When work gives a sense of meaning and importance

"Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies worldwide, and of course it's not just because it rewards our psyche. However, our psyche is rewarded from the first moment we start this hobby," says psychologist Marty Nemko.

According to a British study from 2013, eighty percent of gardeners feel satisfied with their lives, compared to sixty-seven percent of the general population. Meanwhile, those who garden six hours a week or more are even better off.

Ninety-three percent of respondents also said that their hobby improves their mood. And numerous scientific studies confirm their feelings.

The joy of being good

“The truth is that hours spent in the garden can be tiring. However, we can invest excess energy in it, so we sleep better and are thus better regenerated," says author Sarah Raynerová, adding that during this physical activity, the level of the so-called happiness hormones, serotonin and dopamine, increases in our blood.

Don't have time for hobbies? Find it, there is no better medicine Style

“My father always gardened, but I only understood his hobby more when I was going through a long-term illness. Even though I didn't feel well either physically or mentally, something attracted me to the flower beds," Raynerová describes, adding that the activity greatly helped her in her physical and mental recovery.

"Gardening can provide healthy fruit and vegetables, opportunities for physical activity and support an emotional state of well-being," explains Professor Anu Ramaswami.

Not to mention the aesthetic experiences and joy from the completed work. And one more psychological benefit should be mentioned - especially people who work mentally or are part of some complex work process in which they do not immediately see the real results of their activities, working in the garden can indulge in the euphoria of the fact that during a number of actions, such as cutting grass, weeding, etc., the result, which is significantly different from the original state, he sees immediately.

This not only brings joy, but it gives us a sense of meaning and importance of our actions.

Be careful when working in the garden, there is a risk of hand and wrist overload Health

All those hours of digging, lifting, pruning, weeding, watering, planting, transplanting and carrying will also help us burn some calories and strengthen our muscles.

Happy Gardeners or When Work Gives a Sense of Purpose and importance

They also increase our psychological resistance and performance, they help our personal development. For example, they improve concentration.

You will concentrate better

A trend is gaining strength in Japan, the name of which could be translated as forest baths. In essence, it is a stay in a natural environment, whether it is a walk in the forest, a park, or a stay in the garden.

People sort of naturally disconnect from the things that distract from the present moment in our normal hectic lives. Naturally, they begin to focus more on the here and now.

If you've ever weeded a flower bed, you know that it takes total concentration to identify the weeds and not pull out the plants you're growing. Especially in the spring, when the new seedlings are still small and you need to look at small details and differences between the leaves or in the strength of the stem. This will improve your ability to concentrate.

Happy dirt on your hands

Another important part of gardening is digging in the dirt. This too can increase your sense of well-being and well-being.

According to scientists, mycobacteria found in the soil can improve brain performance and contribute to a better mood. They proved that specifically Mycobacterium vaccea, which is found in the soil, increases the level of serotonin in the body.

It is most practical to get rid of weeds when they are just starting to grow Garden

What positives does it bring us?

Psychologist Seth J. Gillian, who mainly deals with mindfulness, the ability to be truly attentive or fully aware, warmly recommends gardening. He sees in it many opportunities for personality development:

What does the garden say about you?

According to coach Lenka Nováková, gardening not only improves our ability to establish relationships, but also to create them with quality.

"The garden is said to teach responsibility towards others. After thirty years of searching for each other, I have also become convinced that similar rules apply between a person and his garden as between a person and a person," thinks the coach.

"I would add that the garden is an ideal teacher of self-responsibility. I find a lot in common in the care of the garden and in the care of my soul," thinks the coach, adding that gardens often look according to the person to whom they belong.

Create your own oasis of calm in your gardenGarden

"In a natural garden, traces of human hands are hardly recognizable. It is what it is – overgrown, chaotic, fresh green in the spring, a meadow full of flowers, but also nettles and prickly thistles in the summer. And if it is useful? Useful for whom? Its permanent residents are satisfied, and if they are not, they will leave and others will come," reflects the coach.

"The utility garden again has a fixed order. Man removes everything undesirable in order to increase the yield of desirable crops, of which the inhabitants of the garden do not have much. It's a bit like work commitment – ​​useful qualities, discipline, hard work, loyalty and obedience are cultivated," he concludes.

How to do it?

Organic gardening teacher Joe Lampl has compiled a few points for people who would like to start caring for plants, whether in the garden or on balconies or terraces, but are a little afraid:
