Children at the Stonava housing estate Hořany have a new playground.There is also a castle and a cable car

Children at the Stonava housing estate Hořany have a new playground.There is also a castle and a cable car


Jaká proticovidová opatření skončila, jaké zákazy zatím platí dál
14.7.2020TomášJanuszekReportérNapište mi

Large climbing castle, 40 meters long cable car, series of slides and other attractions.All this will find children at the Stonava housing estate Hořany, where they will probably spend a lot of holiday days.

Kliknutím zvětšíteNa sídlišti Hořeny ve Stonavě otevřeli nové dětské hřiště. | Foto: Deník / Tomáš Januszek

Nor was the benches for parents and grandparents.The whole course is fenced for safety reasons.The attraction was completed in May but was waiting for the greening of the area.The ceremonial handover took place on Thursday 9.July.

Děti na stonavském sídlišti Hořany mají nové hřiště. Nechybí ani hrad a lanovka

“It is one of the many investments in the territory of the municipality that we are currently implementing.In this case we have heard the requests and wishes of the inhabitants of this part of the village.We managed to obtain a subsidy of 400 thousand crowns on the playground, ”said Mayor of Stonava Ondřej Feber.

V orlovském lesoparku je nová naučná stezka o jídle

In Stonava they only reconstructed elementary and kindergarten this year, construction work takes place on the building of the store, the general reconstruction of the park at the house PZKO and the facility at the TJ Stonava stadium is planned.

The village has a new sports hall, a light -air playground, a football field with a grassy and artificial surface, tennis courts and a sauna.In 2018, sports activities in the village of Nová Pumptrack track and workout playground.

Nové bludiště v Bohumíně dostalo jméno Mauglího labyrintPředplaťte si Dení a čtěte vše bez limitu a omezení. Více zde.
14.7.2020Hořany, Stonava, Ondřej Feber, sídliště

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