A challenging way to a beautiful garden.The hard work of the whole family paid off

A challenging way to a beautiful garden.The hard work of the whole family paid off

A few years ago our family stood at the beginning a very demanding journey to their own nice garden.The thorny was because we only created everything with our own hands.

It would be difficult to calculate how many wheels of clay and stones we moved in the garden.On the other hand, his own efforts may be precisely what strengthens the relationship not only to the resulting work, but also to the mutual relationship of those involved in it.

The garden at our cottage in South Bohemia has been just for years with a paddock and a paradise of kept hens.The hens were very diligent, so the dug up pits covered the whole garden completely.The chance of survival here did not even have grass.After the hen's breeding ended, the garden served as a orchard with a few fenced beds.


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First we started the reconstruction of the cottage and then the barn, from which the husband's carpentry workshop was created.Then it finally came to the enclosure of the garden.

First we built a pergola.We like it much better during the summer months and we will be happy to sit with my family or friends.

A summer kitchen with a fireplace and a smokehouse was also added to the pergola.During the reconstruction of the barn we had to build a protective wall between our and neighbor's land for fire protection regulations.In order not to arise just the unsightly "hungry" wall nowhere, we used this space with mandatory barriers just for outdoor kitchen.

The old well got a new form.We gave her a massive wooden hatch that serves for pleasant heating in the sun.

Also the garden today looks completely different than years ago.Our grandmother, for which the gardening is a big hobby and thanks to her, the garden looks like a box like a box.We contributed to this by building a stone wall.This year there will be a new wooden plank fence.

Náročná cesta ke krásné zahradě. Dřina celé rodiny se vyplatila

In the pergola we like it much better during the summer months and we will be happy to sit with my family or friends.

A summer kitchen with a fireplace and a smokehouse was also added to the pergola.The old well got a new wooden hatch.

The only thing that unfortunately is missing so far is the water refreshment during the summer.The tiny pond we have here is only for watering and the water suits a maximum of 12 fish that have been here since this spring.We try to replace the missing water element with at least a solar shower that we are going to put into operation this summer.

Our children were involved in building our garden from the very beginning.Joint work is not only more fun, but we have found that our teenage youth will learn many work somehow.

I still attach a message for novice gardeners: If you want to get to work, do not be discouraged by the fact that the default condition is far from optimistic.And that initially something almost falls on your head and does not remain a stone on the stone?Does not matter.It only takes a piece of determination and an even bigger piece of enthusiasm.You will see that your garden will return everything many times.

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