Zahradník's February - ČESKÉ

Zahradník's February - ČESKÉ

Another seasonal job in February is chasing the first signs of spring. The gardener does not put on the first cockroach or butterfly, which usually begins spring in the newspaper; first of all, there is no crust at all, and second, such a first butterfly is usually the last since last year to forget to die. The first signs of spring that the gardener is after are more unmistakable. They are:

1. crocuses that sprout in the grass as such poured, swollen spikes; one day the spike will break (no one has ever been there before) and make such a brush of beautiful green leaves; and this is the first sign of spring; further:

Zahradníkův únor - ČESKÉ

2. gardening price lists carried by the postman. Although the gardener knows them by heart (just as the Iliad begins with the words Ménin aeide, thea, these catalogs begin with the words: Acaena, Acantholimon, Acanthus, Achilles, Aconitum, Adenophora, Adonis, and so on, which every gardener can chant like a whip) , after all, read them carefully from Acaena to Wahlenbergia or Yucca, going through a difficult struggle, which he should order again.

3. Snowdrops are another messenger of spring; at first they are such pale green tips peeking out of the ground; they then split into two thick uterine psoriasis, and that's it. Then it will bloom sometime in early February, and I tell you that no victorious palm tree or tree of knowledge or laurel of glory is more beautiful than that white and fragile cup on a pale stem swaying in the dry wind.

4. Neighbors are also an unmistakable sign of spring. As soon as they climb into their gardens with spades and hoes, scissors and bast, tree coatings and all kinds of soil powders, an experienced gardener recognizes that spring is approaching; and he puts on his old trousers and rushes out into the garden with a spade and a hoe, so that his neighbors may know that the jam is approaching, and they communicate over the fence about this joyous novelty.
