When repairing buildings I must first understand their creators, says the architect

When repairing buildings I must first understand their creators, says the architect

Jak velkou část vaší práce momentálně tvoří rekonstrukce historických objektů?Musím říct, že je jich více než novostaveb.Reconstruction is a lot.We participated, among other things, in repairs in the Klatovy Jesuit church, we also work at the church of the Plaský monastery.

Jaká specifika obnova historických areálů má a jak se liší od práce na novostavbách?Věnuji se rekonstrukcím dlouhá léta, takže jsem se naučil jít ve stopách architektů minulosti.I also do creative modern architecture, but when I work on repairs, I must first get to know the creators of the building and understand it.It is important to know what is specific to him.This is important for this job.Some building elements can be found for each architect, others only for the selected, and it is essential to get to know.Even if we place modern equipment in the church, we must adapt to the space.If we create a new building, we have much more freedom.

Ke konci se chýlí několikaletá náročná rekonstrukce plzeňské katedrály svatého Bartoloměje. Na čem jste se v rámci oprav podíleli?Vnějškem kostela jsme se tentokrát příliš nezabývali.We just repaired St. Bartholomew over the portal and made a copy of the cross on the east side.Corpus Christ was in poor condition.Has been there since 1634, was damaged, cracked.And changes were made by the Olives Mountain for the bars.The complete interior renewal, including all equipment.Walls had to be cleaned with a brush essentially without using chemistry.We cleaned the floor, restored paintings.

Učinili jste během rekonstrukce nějaké nečekané objevy?Když jsme postavili lešení, zjistili jsme, že jsou v klenbě střely.I thought they originated when the Americans came to Pilsen and the Germans shot them from the tower.But I found out that the wounds went from the opposite side.I asked local historians.No one knew anything.I told my brother Emil once.And he gave me an explanation.

In May 1945, when he was seven years old, Uncle Chudáček came to us with the fact that he was in the church and the Germans arrived there.It was an hour before the arrival of the Americans.The Nazis people expelled.They did not want to leave the cathedral, so the Germans started shooting in the vault.Zezdola wounds were not visible.We even found a shot shot upstairs.Another finding was waiting for us to make a new floor of the cure.Below it on the wall between the towers were monumental Renaissance paintings.They symbolized faith and hope.There was a lack of love that was apparently found above them in a later dull part.It was a discovery we didn't expect.

Almarium over the sacristy also hid a significant treasure.She was kept there.In three chests and in two cabinets from 1450.We have restored them.Such a set of Gothic furniture about so many pieces is unique in the Czech Republic.There are thirty in the Czech Republic and we have five of them here.They were saved by a narrow spiral staircase because no one wanted to endure them down and replaced with others.A big technical problem was the high vault bolt in the Šternberk chapel that was relaxed.We have secured it and we still have to strengthen it.

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Před několika lety se mluvilo také o dostavbě druhé věže plzeňské katedrály svatého Bartoloměje.I think one tower is the right solution at the Pilsen Cathedral.At 14.century, although two towers were founded, but the time was already asking for something else.The last two -tower church in Prague is in Prague Tyn Temple built around 1400.Later in the late Gothic there was only one tower at the churches.It seemed to them then more picturesque.Each style has its phases.The early is mostly tied, filled with various canons, the last phase is relaxed.

There was a peculiarity in Pilsen that the church was closed before the Hussite wars.It was perceived that it was a two -tower church.Therefore, in Pilsen, there was an anchored that he had two towers and one burnt down in 1525.But this is an inaccurate interpretation.In Tanner's Chronicle of 1642 it is written that the second tower was built as if it were lifted above the church.And that was the tent roof.Until the end of 20.century, however, no one perceived this explanation much.

S tím souvisí i vaše další práce, kterou je dostavba druhého ambitu proboštství v Mariánské Týnici.This project divided the conservationists roughly as the Marian Column on Prague's Old Town Square.Either they were clearly for or against.It was very acute.The central workplace of the Heritage Institute in Prague eventually decided to build it can build.Those who were against, argued that the cloister never stood and that it was a peel without content.I do not think so.The place lives, people go there, there are worship, concerts, exhibitions, and it is a pilgrimage site.Has a spiritual value.

I have experienced an interesting experience there.I always perceived there as the forehead of the building entrance to the museum.The church was rather dressed.When we arrived closer with the staircase, everything changed.Suddenly the church is the main and main point.This was also the original intention of architect Santini.Now suddenly it seems as if the church ran me toward me.And those ambitions that were asymmetrical now look like open arms.We had no idea that it could turn out like this.But because we followed Santini's concept, we also completed its intention.And I think it's good.

Při opravách staveb musím nejdříve pochopit jejich tvůrce, říká architekt

There are not many similar cases in the Czech Republic where the historical building has been completed in modern times.Can be said to be unique within our country.For example in Belgium, northern France, Germany or Poland it was different.Local monuments were in many cases destroyed during World War II.Had to be repaired, finish.A similar approach there was legitimate.There was no such need for us.We basically have a single example here, and that is the monastery in Emmaus.It is solved nicely.But in our case it was something else because we have reached the idea of the original architect.

Pracujete i na chotěšovském klášteře.This is special for you that by last year you were chairman of the Society for its rescue. V jaké fázi tam rekonstrukce je?Jsme tam v podstatě hotoví, dodělává se expozice.We worked on a partial renewal of the convent, on its northwest wing, the ground floor we modified the whole, floor from half.There will be a museum.And there is also a lapidarium of original Baroque statues that can no longer stand in the landscape due to weather conditions.We have the first seven statues from all corners of the region.The three come from Domažlice, another of Litice, Touškov and Starý Plzenec.We would like to continue this.

Co je cílem nového lapidária?Když se někde zrestauruje socha, originál si vlastník strčí někam třeba do kolny, to je podle mě chyba.I think things that do not have their place will be lost sooner or later.My goal is to find any such work some anchorage.I think the Chotěšov monastery is ideal for me.The ground floor spaces are six meters high.There is enough space to make the statue stand out.It is good for the monastery that there is no need to make any major disposition adjustments for such an exposition.

The sculptures are modest in this respect.We just shine or do not have to drown them.There are a lot of sculptures that could be placed here.Pilsen sandstone unfortunately is not very good.For example, sculptures on Roosevelt's bridge in Pilsen need an intervention every three or four years.I look forward to seeing the lapidarium open that people who decide to see that is a good solution.

Existují lidé, kteří jsou proti?Setkal jsem se s případy, kdy majitelé nechtěli sochy zapůjčit, protože se o ně báli.They did not have them stored in some dignified place.I am worried that these sculptures will come to harm.Because, for example.Someone who does not have a great feeling for art and then hard to say where and how the works end up.Moreover, it is just a rental.The owners will not lose about the statue.If they find better use for her, the contract will be canceled and the statue will return to the place.

Co bylo na opravách v Chotěšově nejsložitější?Určitě úpravy místního podzemí.If it is famous in the Plaský Monastery, this is at a much higher level.In Chotěšov is located on a slope, must be compared to the terrain.We have managed the main axes, adjustments are important because of the water system that, when something is wrong, does mischief.The basis is the corridors beautifully bricked by huge stones.It can be seen that the builder Matěj Kondel was inspired in Plasy and took advantage of the skills he had received there under the leadership of architect Santini.

When the army worked in Chotěšov, the soldiers tossed the underground.Everything had to be cleaned first.This was helped by the civic association Chotěšovská wave, which also destroyed the Amperial Green.Its members helped a lot.Only then could we let go of speleologists who started to provide the premises.

In the monastery for many years the army resided. Jaké škody tu napáchala?Vojákům, mladým klukům, nedělalo problém někde něco urazit, rozbít.The whole building was damaged by minor accidents.Interestingly, however.They used an object like before them nuns.Everyone suddenly got up in the morning, went to the bathroom, to the toilet, sorted, soldiers went to service, sisters to church.The regime was the same, only the persons were exchanged.Of course, with the difference that the nuns were more accommodating to the object, and when something happened, it was repaired immediately.Soldiers coughed up.

But the worst users of monuments were farmers.They used the locks for example as granaries.They broke the window, put the pipe there and put in the grain.I also know about one castle at silver where they kept pigs.He was on the demolition.

Na čem pracujete, co se týče novostaveb?V Karlových Varech děláme moderní dům přímo v lázeňské části.We also designed churches in Brno and Pilsen.With that Pilsen's because of the protest of the locals looks bad.People refused him because of the trees that grow on the spot.I think this is just a surrogate problem.Rather, they did not like that excavators would work near their homes.Anyway, the bishopric decided not to build a church against the will of people.In Brno it is easier.It is built on a cinder playground belonging to Countess Belcredi.She devoted the land to the construction.

Jak ovlivnila vaši práci epidemie koronaviru?Zatím moc ne.Rather only in some details.I worked on Home Office and eliminated construction rides.Negotiations were mainly online.Which is not quite bad but it is not that.When you sit at the table, sometimes you spend a sentence that may prove to be key.When you are at the monitor, you will not grind it.It has other laws.Maybe we haven't just got used yet.But we expect what will follow.People and municipalities will certainly have less money.This will certainly affect somewhere negatively.

Cathedral.Bartholomew is undergoing overhaul (23.8.2018)

23. srpna 2018
