During the reconstruction, think about the details, with the budget to cope with the professional

During the reconstruction, think about the details, with the budget to cope with the professional

Při rekonstrukci myslete i na detaily, s rozpočtem si nechte poradit od profesionála

Although the Czech Housing Fund is more of an older one in Europe, the inhabitants of the Czech Republic are satisfied with their housing.

“A full 82 % of people are satisfied with their current housing, only 5 % of them are significantly dissatisfied.But even those satisfied want to gradually improve their housing, ”describes Tomáš Kořínek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ČMSS last year's survey.

Podívejte se na další zajímavé úpravy a rekonstrukce
Domácí pohoda se dá vytvořit i v devátém patře staršího paneláku
Originálně řešená rekonstrukce panelákového bytu v Plzni
I v malém prostoru lze pohodově bydlet
Byt v novostavbě potřeboval upravit, měnily se obklady v koupelně i průchod na toaletu

Almost 30 % of people confirmed that they are preparing a minor improvement of their apartment or house.Another 12 % then prepare a major reconstruction.

One thing is plans, the other their realization.A lot of things need to think well before you even start with any work.At the beginning at any reconstruction it is good to know what you want to reconstruct.

Plánujete rekonstrukci? Pozor na tyto chybyJak na to

"It seems slightly trivial, but relatively much reconstruction begins with the idea of small repair and ends with a clear knowledge that it would be better to demolish the house and build again," says architect Štěpán Toman from the Ting Architects with a little exaggeration.Especially for old objects, you will find out a lot of other in solving one problem.

What to watch out for

The scope of construction work will also depend on what existing premises, construction and technical equipment can withstand.

"For example, even with the hard money in the pocket in a block of ground with a ground floor height of 2.6 m, which is the smallest ground clearance of the living room according to ČSN, you will not buy the suspended ceiling, because the rooms of your apartment would cease to be residential rooms," says Luboš Kana, technicalDirector of the Atelier of DEK.

Při rekonstrukci myslete i na detaily, s rozpočtem si nechte poradit od profesionála

Similarly, it can be with the possible demolition of anything that hangs on, stands or supports something."The wall may seem like a partition, but the partitions are a bearing and angry neighbor in front of the door, which just cracked his newly ticked wall, it would not be pleasant," adds Štěpán Toman.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult with the designer from the outset of the construction work and to enter the project processing after their clarification of the project.Each designer knows the necessary building regulations and standards.

“For all building modifications that will lead to any interventions in wiring, such as.Consulting the partitions associated with the abolition of sockets, adding outlets and the like, consult with a professional electrician in time, under what circumstances it will be possible to obtain a revision for divorce, ”emphasizes Luboš Káň.

For older apartments, however, be aware that the whole apartment will be necessary to replace the wiring.

How to budget reconstruction

Once you are clear what you would like to reconstruct and you will know that it is real, it comes to counting how much your dream would be about changing the apartment.And it is not enough to count everything only roughly."The ancillary costs can sometimes exceed the price of the main items," warns Štěpán Toman.

Therefore, it is not a matter of leaving the processing on specialists.The control budget can be obtained from a designer or budget.

“It will contain the price set according to one of the price systems.It will be a kind of average price of similar building plans across the Republic for a certain period.Bidding prices of companies will probably differ from the control price, but they should not be completely out, ”explains Luboš Káni.The control budget should also include the statement of individual structures and work.

It is good if the budget budgets you ask will have the same structure.Then you can easily recognize in which items the companies differ most.Later you also easily identify what was actually done less and what more.

Be aware that the budgets will also be correctly included transport material and debris and suti storage in landfill."For smaller building modifications on the high floors of houses, these items will be a particularly significant part of the price," says Luboš Káni.

It adds that in some locations it will also be necessary to pay for the occupation for a container or a material dump on the street.And in the fifties apartments may be under the floors of tar cardiacs that are landfilled as hazardous waste, which is very expensive.Look for not as dangerous not to show all the waste of your construction work.

Do not forget to include any costs associated with the fact that the apartment or part of it will be necessary to clear the price of your intention.Movers, warehouse and alternative housing also costs something.


The final decision is coming.Only now will you find out if you can afford to do the reconstruction to your liking, or it will be necessary to look for a compromise.

Likewise, if you can finance everything yourself, or you will have to consider at least partially credit financing.

Co je rekonstrukce?
V zákonech pojem rekonstrukce nenajdeme. Občanský zákoník mluví o úpravě, přestavbě nebo jiné změně bytu. Stavební zákon rozlišuje tři druhy změny dokončené stavby: nástavba, přístavba, stavební úprava. Bytu a jeho vlastníka či nájemce se obvykle bude týkat jen ta třetí.
Plastová okna Vekra Komfort Evo se hodí do panelového bytu i rodinného domku. Foto: Vekra

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