We exorcised a demon who swept the bathroom with the priest. Jaroslav Drábek openly about the removal of souls, faith and skepticism (Interview) | REFRESHER.cz

We exorcised a demon who swept the bathroom with the priest. Jaroslav Drábek openly about the removal of souls, faith and skepticism (Interview) | REFRESHER.cz

Whether it seems far-fetched or not, when I was approaching the agreed-upon place for the interview in Šlapany in Brno, a big storm started to approach. The closer I got, the stronger she got. After the third transfer and crossing the border of the city of Brno, rivulets of water began to form under the trolleybus, thunder rumbled ominously above the fields and lightning crossed the grayish to brownish sky, it seemed dangerously close.

I thought to myself, what an irony it must be when I am approaching the house of one of the most famous "ghost hunters" in the country and I am met with such hellish weather. However, a change came in a short time. Although I have not yet set foot on the territory of the small town stuck to the borders of Brno, the closer I got to the meeting place, for some reason the catastrophe in the sky began to tear. Strange, I thought as soon as I knocked on the door of the small house after a few minutes.

"That Libuška Šafránková is watching over us here," a man opened the door with a greeting, who, after describing the journey to him, reminded me of the famous native of Šlapanica, who recently died, and her influence on the surrounding area. He was Jaroslav Drábek, the founder of the EPRV777 group, who, as I learned, does not hunt ghosts, but takes entities to the other world. You will learn how it is done, what he uses for it and what incidents happened to him in the interview.

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When you say someone works as a ghost hunter, it sounds interesting, very mysterious, but I don't know if that's the right label. Is this your profession?

No. For thirty years I have been a lecturer, a healer, I do healing courses for the development of spirit and knowledge, dowsing courses for searching for water sources and I sell herbs. In our spare time, for 17 years, we have been providing assistance in dealing with the paranormal, which everyone shortens to ghost hunters. We have had 600 outings in which we do not hunt ghosts, rather, as our motto says, we try to help the living so that we can help the dead and vice versa.

Every case is a human story, it's never about any scare. It's about the fact that there are changes in people's lives, and those changes are so striking that it starts to change the order of their lives, and that's why they call us. Objects start to move on their own, gray or black figures appear, and that already indicates something.

We cast out the demon that swept the priest the bathroom. Jaroslav Drábek openly about the removal of souls, faith and skepticism (Interview) | REFRESHER.cz

Something definitely does.

We shared the experience gained on our website, where I created a section called The Science of Entities and Souls to make it clear. You won't find any sources here, almost everything comes from America.

An important Czech source is Břetislav Kafka, who wrote New Foundations of Experimental Psychology and other psychological research and fields. This man began to promote the protonation field theory, which talks about a field that contains certain information that can be read by sensitive individuals. Both dowsing and fortune-telling work on this basis. Well, communication with entities in the first beginning is called residual haunting. For example, someone dies in a tragic event, which remains written in place and time, and the event that happened at that place appears. For example, the battle, specifically here Slavkov.

Do paranormal phenomena happen there?

I prefer the term anomalous phenomena. Paranormal phenomena are phenomena that can be refuted scientifically, anomalous cannot, because they exist on the basis of some physical laws, etc. The fact that the scientist does not have such a developed perception and cannot explain them is his fault. Science is moving on, the capabilities of the human brain are just now emerging and will continue to be. I understand that it annoys them, because when you study something for six years and then it's different, it annoys you.

Otherwise, yes. Normally there are soldiers marching across the field. Now it was the coronavirus, so there was a stop sign, but otherwise it will be a reenactment of the battle. It is not that the dead rise from the grave and fight, but only an image is loaded, I would compare it to a hologram, and the event begins to be projected in it exactly as it was. People there see soldiers in uniforms with weapons walking through the place and then disappearing.

Okay, but let's go back to the beginning. You have been working with entities for 17 years, as you said. Even dowsing and healing are interesting activities in themselves. Did your profession lead you to work with anomalous phenomena?

It came to me right away. I had my first meeting with Mr. Jindřich Paseka in 1986. My older son is a child of Chernobyl and has a ventricular septal defect like all children at that time, and I wanted to deal with it other than through a doctor, so we went to him. The moment we first met, he looked at me and kicked me out. He said I had a lot of energy, that I would heal one day, but not now. And then he helped him. He said it would "patch up a three millimeter hole in his heart" and it was gone in two visits.

Drábek at work

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