The reconstruction of the apartment was a foam.The shocked owner has flew in a horribly

The reconstruction of the apartment was a foam.The shocked owner has flew in a horribly

”In July last year, I learned from my acquaintances that there was an apartment for them in the street.It came to call.My daughter waited for a baby and I wanted to help the young in the beginning.I was looking for a smaller apartment for myself and wanted to leave them, ”says Hana.

She connected with the owner of the recommended apartment and went to the property."I just liked the apartment 2+1.Looked cozy and the size also suited me.During the tour I went through the rooms several times, I perceived the overall atmosphere and imagined how I would arrange everything, ”describes my first visit.

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The owner Hana emotionally told how they reconstructed the apartment.Talked about a new kitchen counter with built -in appliances.Praised new floors and completely replaced interior doors.She argued that during the reconstruction they walled the original door from the entrance hall to the kitchen and for practical reasons they moved the entrance.The excited future owner left with a good feeling.

”The next six months nothing happened.The seller has begun to claim that the apartment may only be rented.She did not want to let him go because they did a lot of work on it, ”says Hana, who eventually received the sale.

But she wanted to look into the apartment before buying and arranged a second tour.Exactly on the same day in the apartment was a major move.”Total chaos.There were piles of boxes and bags everywhere, a small child was running there.There was no space or time for any detailed observation, so I just went through the apartment quickly and rather left it.”

At the moment, however, Hana was supposed to pay attention to.It is absolutely necessary for the buyer to inspect and test several times.It is also important to have peace of mind and sufficient time for a tour.“Buyers should realize that they do not buy a thing for several hundred crowns, but a property in the order of millions. Neměli by proto během prohlídky nikam spěchat, a pokud s sebou nemají odbornou asistenci v podobě inspektora nemovitosti, měli by se zaměřit na co nejdůkladnější prozkoumání celého bytu či domu,” upozorňuje Alena Wenigrová, specialistka na nákup nemovitostí ze společnosti Alisen.

Poorly placed bar behind the built -in hob in the reconstructed kitchen

PVC laid ends just below the kitchen.

Rekonstrukce bytu byl podfuk. Šokovaná majitelka příšerně naletěla

Hana and the owner met before signing the purchase contract in the law firm.“Although we have already been firmly agreed to sell me the apartment, she prepared me surprise.She said that other people have appeared to be interested in the apartment.And if I really want to buy an apartment, it is necessary to pay more 50,000 crowns.But she didn't want to change the prepared purchase contract anymore, so I should have put them on her hand. Na to jsem nepřistoupila,” svěřuje se s nepříjemným zážitkem Hana.The seller has retreated from their request and everything went without any problems with the attorney.

After taking the apartment and signing the handover protocol with the stated energy states, Hana finally began to look at the apartment thoroughly.“Suddenly we had an uncomfortable feeling that I flew and bought a hare in a bag.The original owner constantly assured me that the kitchen is recently reconstructed. Já ale zjistila, že trouba je nefunkční a plynová varná deska a myčka jsou poničené,” říká smutně Hana.

Instead of a new quality floor lay on the unprecedented PVC concrete, which ended just at the beginning of the kitchen unit.There were damaged tiles in the corridor and crumbled pairing.The door was not at all walled up, but only covered with a solete plate and then masked by the wallpaper.

A strangely filled gap between the wall and the built -in wardrobe in the corridor

The floor in the corridor has crumbled pairing.

Instead of the new door Hana discovered the original door from the 1950s, but covered with white wallpaper.Somewhere so cleverly that they couldn't even lock.In the bathroom there was an amateur -installed electricity with a dangerously climbing cable at the ceiling.

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A series on the pillory

In the series on the pillory we will teach you how to fly dishonest brokers and how to avoid unfair practices when acquiring new housing.

Chcete využít služby zástupce kupujícího při koupi nemovitosti? Se seriálem Na pranýři máte slevu 5 000 korun na služby společnosti Alisen. Stačí vyplnit formulář ZDE.

The project of the living of the a specialistů na nákup nemovitostí ze společnosti Alisen má za cíl zlepšit kvalitu služeb a chování jednotlivých účastníků realitního trhu.

E-knihu Jak koupit nemovitost si můžete stáhnout ZDE.

“Unfortunately, we observe such practices on the market from time to time.The seller paints the apartment and makes some cosmetic modifications and then pretends to be renovated.Of course, an experienced eye can be recognized immediately, but the layman knows it in a normal view. Pokud chce mít kupující záruku, že nekoupí zajíce v pytli, tak by měl využít služby inspektora nemovitosti, který za své služby ručí,” upozorňuje Tomáš Zima, hlavní inspektor ze společnosti Nemoinspekt.

Hana is now struggling with the difficulties of an old apartment and saving for a real reconstruction.“I am also worried about whether the original owner pays the property tax.Since I refused to give her extra 50,000 crowns, I'm afraid that he will want to compensate this difference in this way. A jelikož jsem podle zákona ručitelem, pokud ona daň nezaplatí, bude ji finanční úřad časem vymáhat po mně,” říká ustaraně.

Unfortunately, in this case, it may actually happen that if the tax office does not receive real estate acquisition tax, it can recover it from Mrs. Hana.Therefore, it is always recommended to use a certain account to pay the purchase price and the part of the tax payment only after its payment.
