Prague scars in public space.Where and how to cut into the non -functional places forbes

Prague scars in public space.Where and how to cut into the non -functional places forbes

The streets are the face of the city.Places where people meet where they spend money.And the better public space, the more money it spins in it.The quality of public space increases the value of land and real estate, better in them trades.Although the lessons are clear, public space in many places grinds in Prague.

There are several reasons.Somewhere there is no change in the change in political way, elsewhere it just takes a long time.Even an experienced developer spends permitting processes in Prague around seven years, and if a place wants to turn the city, the process is not much faster.

Pražské jizvy ve veřejném prostoru. Kde a jak se bude řezat do nefunkčních míst Forbes

In addition, municipal companies, networks, energy supply companies, security forces with their standards and finally the public enter it.All of them often have contradictory interests - that's why Prague is still waiting for some non -functioning public spaces to be modified.


Jako na Manhattanu. Z bývalých tratí budou promenády lákající peníze

Martin Bajtler – 3 minuty čtení

It turns out in Prague that if a place works well, it naturally attracts people.“A good example.It works both thanks to buildings around, but also thanks to the solution of public spaces, ”says Jaromír Hainc, the director of the City Detail Section from the Prague Institute of Planning and Development.

The angel could meet a completely different fate: originally planned that despite today's tram intersection, the automotive artery will be led by.In the end, it came from and the angel is now a living place surrounded by offices, shops and apartments.
