Insensitive reconstruction in Liebieg's town.The new facade is criticized by the city and the public

Insensitive reconstruction in Liebieg's town.The new facade is criticized by the city and the public

She received great criticism on social networks of photographs of a reconstructed house in Mikulášská Street.The house is located in the heart of Liebieg's town near the square under the gateway.He considers the repair of the house from which one window disappeared and the color has changed, and the city."The facade repair is very insensitive due to the context and if it has undergone a construction procedure, which was to be a participant in the statutory city, it was probably designed before the city architecture office," said Marie Procházková, architect of the Liberec architecture office (where).

Liebiegovo městečko je unikátní zaměstnaneckou kolonií, která vznikala od poloviny 19. století do 20. let 20 století jako zázemí textilní továrny Johann Liebieg & Co., pozdější Textilany. Představuje jeden z nejpozoruhodnějších a nejhodnotnějších souborů tohoto typu na českém území.

Some people condemn the reconstruction hard.”As the most beating into the eyes the walled window in the shield because the shield just looks blind.And otherwise polystyrene in such a locality is evil, of course.The whole site was supposed to be long ago protected as a conservation area and the city is not particularly involved, ”commented Vojtěch Symeon on Facebook.Others have a greater understanding for the intervention.”I don't like it either, but I can imagine that the performance that would stand here would certainly cost a third more.And all the remcaj would not fold on it.This is very tricky.I do not stand on one side...But I can empathize a bit into the owner, ”wrote Petr Kořínek under the photo.

House in Mikulášská Street before the repair of the facade

Necitlivá rekonstrukce v Liebiegově městečku. Novou fasádu kritizuje město i veřejnost

Will Liebieg's town finally be protected?

Currently there is a new urban manual in the process of approval."Liebieg's town is marked as a so -called intensive care zone, which means increased emphasis on the quality of the built environment," said Procházková, continuing: "In case of reconstruction we always try to find a way and a compromise between legislation requiring basic thermal parameters of the building and original architectural architecturalthe quality that should be maintained to the maximum possible extent.”

Liebiegovo městečko se několikrát stalo útočištěm filmařů. České i zahraniční produkce zde natáčely například snímky Hitler: Vzestup zla, Boží duha, Zemský soud - Příběh jedné rodiny Lekce, Bez vědomí nebo Panna a netvor.

If the investor turns to the city at the beginning of the intention, he allegedly finds the best possible solution with the city management.This can then significantly save inappropriately spent the funds of the future project and implementation.

The city has been striving for the protection of this locality for several years.In 2017, a working group for regeneration of the urban conservation zone submitted a proposal to declare Liebieg's town for the urban conservation area.“This completely unique locality of the garden city is one of the most valuable we have in Liberec.It is rather an accident that this area is no longer a monument zone, "said years ago Petr Freiwillig of the National Heritage Institute in Liberec.

So far, no effort to protect this locality has been completed by the end.The aforementioned intensive care zone should bring a change. „Zóna se promítne v nastavení limit v manuálech veřejných prostranství, jako například v manuálu věnovanému městským povrchům, kde pro lokalitu jsou doporučeny kamenné kvalitní povrchy v lokalitě,” řekla Drbně již dříve Zuzana Koňasová z KAM.
