Half houses are insulated badly.Owners lose 750 million annually

Half houses are insulated badly.Owners lose 750 million annually

In the Czech Republic, 200,000 family houses are insulated, half of them are insulated.Owners of family houses save, which is not worthwhile in the end, they can lose up to half of possible savings.

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The Czechs pay up to three quarters of a billion more than they would have to pay for heating poorly isolated houses.Often the only criterion of price selection is the price.The isolation will not bring the required financial savings.

"Generally, investment in isolation with less than fifteen -centimeter thickness is virtually not worthwhile. The highest costs are associated with the implementation of insulation, the price difference in the thickness of the insulation is minimal," says Marcela Kubů.

"Our practice has shown that 50 percent of thermal insulation systems suffer from defects that reduce their functional properties or durability," says Petr Vlasák, a specialist in the quality of buildings and the director of Ika Buildog.

"It is alarming that such a high number of family houses do not use the potential of savings that the insulation brings. If we quantify the losses financially, Czechs will spend up to 750 million crowns per year on the heating of poorly isolated houses," Marcela Kubů calculates.

The worst situation is in the Karlovy Vary and Ústí Region

Only 11 percent of family houses are insulated in the Czech Republic, ie 200,000 housing units out of a total of 1.8 million.It is the family houses that currently represent half of all non -insulated housing units in the Czech Republic.According to the CZSO at the same time the average age of buildings according to the date of construction or the last reconstruction on average exceeds 50 years.

"Unattended buildings have been exposed for decades of weather.Kubů.

Nejčastější chyby při zateplování
malá tloušťka izolacesnížení tepelných úspor
nevhodný materiálvlhkostní, akustické problémy
nevyřešené detailyúniky energie až 20 %
neodborná realizacevše výše uvedené
neprojednání záměru s úřadynepovolená stavba (stavba na černo)

Source: Avmi, Ika Buildog

The most critical situation is in the Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem regions, where the age of buildings has been climbing up to 60 years since the last reconstruction, and people are most often postponed there.

"Many households seek to save by choosing weaker insulation, unfortunately so they significantly depreciate their investment. Complex thermal insulation is almost always worthwhile in low-energy standard, then the investment will return on average in 12.5 years, if we expect energy pricesEvery year by five percent. However, the insulation will save energy for at least another 20 years, "adds Marcela Kubů.

In addition to the thickness of insulation, Czechs underestimate the material and detail solutions

The second most common mistake that Czechs make when insulation is a bad choice of material."It is essential to know where I want to use the insulation and whether in addition to thermal insulation I need to solve for example moisture or acoustic problems. The consumer should also consider how the selected material will behave in the event of a sudden situation such as fire or flood situations," says Petr Vlasák.

The three most common mistakes that the Czechs make during thermal insulation closes the poor performance of the details.For example, connecting the insulation to windows and doors or insulation of hanging structures as balconies and terraces."If the consumer does not solve the details thoroughly, so -called thermal bridges are created, which can unnecessarily escape up to 20 percent of energy," says Marcela Kubů.

New green savings requires building supervision

Home owners often do not have a project for insulation, lack of construction supervision, saves material, hire the cheapest company, or insulate themselves.This may not pay off ultimately.

If the errors begin to load, instead of the expected thermal or financial savings, the owner is disappointing.In addition to saving little, they risk that mold or insulation will appear in the house.

"Our calculations show that financial loss in a regular family house* can climb to 60 to 90 thousand crowns only due to insufficient insulation thickness.The public does not mean, thermal insulation is a highly professional activity and can be managed successfully by self -help, "says Petr Vlasák.

The fact that thermal insulation is a professional activity and can not do without construction supervision is also confirmed by the subsidy program New Green Savings 2014. The condition of granting the subsidy is to ensure building supervision see green subsidies again start.

"I perceive this step positively as a new element of consumer protection, not its restrictions. Although the granting of the subsidy is conditional on construction supervision, it can also be paid from the subsidy, as wellKubů.

The analysis is based on studies the potential of energy savings in buildings (2013) and how to optimally insulate in the Czech Republic (2010), implemented by the advisory company Porsenna o.p.s.From the last census, houses and apartments and information from AVMI members.

*Běžným rodinným domem je myšlen dům do 150 metrů čtverečních užitné plochy, ztráta je vyčíslena při rozdílu v zateplení obvodového zdiva z plných cihel polystyrenem o tloušťce osm a následně 14 centimetrů, což je v tomto případě normou doporučená tloušťka (ČSN 73 0540-2).
