They hear, see, remember.And what else?Plants from the perspective of a molecular biologist

They hear, see, remember.And what else?Plants from the perspective of a molecular biologist

Molekulární biolog Daniel Chamovitz si získal celosvětovou pozornost knihou Co rostlina ví.Licence | Všechna práva vyhrazena. Další šíření je možné jen se souhlasem autoraFoto | kjozsef / PixabayNaše moderní předpojetí, že rostliny nevnímají a necítí, a jsou tedy pouhými zdroji k čerpání, nabourávají nové vědecké poznatky. Ve středu 9. prosince zorganizovala Izraelská ambasáda v Praze rozhovor s předním světovým molekulárním biologem Danielem Chamovitzem. Tento izraelský badatel si získal celosvětovou pozornost knihou Co rostlina ví, v které podává neotřelý pohled na schopnost rostlin vnímat okolí.Víme, reklamy jsou otravné. A respektujeme, že je máte vypnuté :-) Budeme rádi, když nás podpoříte jinak.
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According to Chamovitz, plants not only perceive and show all five senses, but in some cases they even exceed one.

Kniha CO ROSTLINA VÍ Daniela Chamovitze vyšla v českém překladu v roce 2020 v nakladatelství Academia.Licence | Všechna práva vyhrazena. Další šíření je možné jen se souhlasem autoraZdroj | Academia


For example, eyesight is considered to be the central meaning of our knowledge of the world, because it helps us significantly with the spatial orientation.However, our vision is limited in some ways compared to plants.

From the example of sunflowers we all intuitively know that plants recognize the direction of light.However, when the plants were exposed to blue and red light in the experiment, they only turned behind the blue.Plants have shown a clear preference for blue light and thus the ability to recognize the types of light.

In the middle of 20.In addition, the century has been shown that plants can even measure the length of the darkness.The length of the night, not the day, is the decisive factor in whether the plants will grow in the spring, later bloom and in the autumn to fade.

Contemporary molecular biology describes in plants 12 light receptors, while the eye of a person has only 4 receptors.Plants are able to see the uvr light, to which we are completely blind, and also have receptors for blue, green, red and ultra -red light.

The only receptor shared with plants and humans is a cryptochrome receptor.According to Chamovitz, he led to the development of a different type of vision in humans and plants different evolutionary development.While a person moves in space and to have the opportunity to escape the danger, it needs a detailed resolution of the environment.Therefore, he has developed vision in images.

Slyší, vidí, pamatují si. A co dál? Rostliny z pohledu molekulárního biologa

The plant does not move in space and rather needs more complex information about the surroundings, ie rather a wider resolution of a range of light than focus on detail.


In the 2014 Harvard lecture, Chamovitz is of the opinion that the previous attempts to prove hearing in plants have shown unprofitable.This pointed out in particular to The Secret Life of Plants (Tompkins and Bird, 1973, Czech Secret Life of Plants, 2015), which, based on unscientific methods, claimed to preference of plants towards certain music.

In recent years, however.It was Chamovitz and colleagues at the Tel Aviva wondered whether the plants would respond to sound in environmentally valid experiments such as pollinating.In the latest experiment they found that if the pollinator makes a sound near the plant, the plant will begin to prepare nectar.Conversely.The second edition of Chamovitz's book, which is now available at Academia in Czech translation, proves on valid scientific experiments perception of five senses in plants similar to people.

Pokud opylovač vydává zvuk v blízkosti rostliny, rostlina začne připravovat nektar.Licence | Volné dílo (public domain)Foto | Anna Sulencka / Pixabay

Although the perception of plants may be shocking for the general public, it is a thing for the scientific community.The Golden Grail of Molecular Biology and also a larger part of the interview between the author of the book and its translator Viktor Žárský revolves around the question of how plants all information from perception integrate.


Already on the example with light we have seen that plants measure the length of the night and therefore have some form of memory.In 2016, the research team around Monika Gagliano published an article in which plants show a certain type of unconditional learning similar to Pavlov's dogs.

In an interview, Chamovitz has been very restrained to talk about any cognitive features in connection with plants and use terms as unconditional learning and intelligence.However, it confirms that plants have a certain way of knowledge.


The general assumption in the scientific world is that we need a brain and nervous system to integrate various information.Plants according to Chamovitz are able to integrate different information for effective adaptation to the surroundings, but the brain or nervous system do not have.Is it possible to talk about a certain intelligence?Knowledge?Or even consciousness?

In 2017, an article about plants reaction to anesthetic (Yokawa and colleagues, 2017) caused a great sensation.The authors have shown that plants will cease to move or respond to the touch after anesthetics.As an anesthetic in humans causes loss of consciousness, the authors of the study have deduced a similar conclusion in plants; this is the plant is normally conscious and the anesthetic brings it to the loss of consciousness.

Chamovitz responds to this passionate discussion in his article Plants Are Intelligent, Now What?(Czech plants are intelligent.What now?) From 2018 and a fitting manner shows that even in psychology, consensus still does not rule over what consciousness is, how it arises or works.

Na slunečnicích jsme se naučili, že rostliny rozpoznávají směr světla.Foto | Thomas Quaritsch / Unsplash

Now molecular biology is embarking on these wild waters and attributed to plants of consciousness, unconditional learning and the like.So if Chamovitz talks about a certain intelligence in plants, it only means that plants are able to collect and integrate the surroundings of the environment, and on the basis of this information react and adapt in some way.

Plants and people have evolved after different evolutionary pathways, but one of the first chamovitz discoveries in the field of plant biology was that the protein control reaction to light is also contained in the human gene.Plants, animals and humans come from the same genetic source that lived billions of years ago in the sea.

Current biological research cannot answer the question of whether plants are conscious but shows that plants about the world know.

In the interview, Professor Zárský mentioned the prominent Prague scholar Rabi Löw, who describes everything alive and inanimate as interconnected, dependent and forming one.And Chamovitz's book lets us see the connection of our lives with plants and nature from a scientific perspective.
