The piglets were quietly ripping the lawn in the park in broad daylight

The piglets were quietly ripping the lawn in the park in broad daylight

Absolutely undisturbed, both snows tore up the lawn and the piglets did not hesitate to try it on their mothers as well. At the same time, she hopped on the lawn, just a few meters from the curious: onlookers, taking pictures and filming.

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Bachyně se selaty klidně rozrývaly trávník v parku za bílého dne

However, the overgrown wildflowers are far from the fault of the overgrown lawns and gardens only in Gdańsk, Poland (and other places, more here). They can also drive in the Czech countryside and in cities, even in the metropolis (here about one of the car accidents they caused).

They are very enthusiastic about their experience with uninvited visits to families or entire groups of feral pigs, for example in Mníšek pod Brdy.

What about the mowed lawn? How many times do you have to take a rotavator?

"The pigs go there in complete peace on FX Svobody Square, where they dig a short distance from the shop, next to the main pedestrian route, and they don't mind at all," describes Pavel Jeřábek, one of the locals. (Read about the shooting of a wild boar right in the center of Mníšek at the end of March this year.)

His family also has extensive experience with raids on the garden near the family house, so he can already advise on how to put the dug garden or lawn back together. Dude, but it works.

"If it's a smaller area, we straighten the turf back into the holes, add a little soil to make the surface flat, and suffocate as much as possible. Large areas already want to tailor the whole: then you have to rake the garden with a rotavator, level it and sow the lawn again. You will put the turf that the cultivator does not break on the compost for the next repairs, ”describes the experienced practitioner, a well-tested procedure.

He recommends concrete reinforcement nets to strengthen the fence against pigs. "They cut into strips about 30 cm wide and are driven into the ground so that the pigs cannot lift the wire fence. Otherwise, they can pull it out of the foundation, in which the hooks are attached, “advises what has worked.

"It has already happened to my daughter in the garden that the wire mesh concreted into the foundation simply tore the piglets," he states matter-of-factly. However, the lower edge of the wire rod can still be fastened to a board located along the entire length between the posts of the fence. "If everything is well fastened, then the pig usually does not have a chance to lift or tear the wire," concludes Pavel Jeřábek.
