Podcast: Lucie helps parents in losing a baby.It is important to say goodbye, says

Podcast: Lucie helps parents in losing a baby.It is important to say goodbye, says

Autor:jim - 28. září 2021 • 05:00Sdílej:

14 years ago, Lucie Burdová experienced a painful loss.She was born a dead girl and had to deal with her husband unexpectedly with a difficult situation.Therefore, it has sought help from the organization Dlouhá Way and now itself helps the project empty cradle to people who died a baby within one year of life."I wouldn't want to know you," she says to women, many of whom have become her friends during treatment.

Lucie's pregnancy was trouble -free.The small fetus inside her tummy grew, but the world came to life without life.According to Lucie, the autopsy did not show the cause of death.It is not a day if she did not think of the baby: “Confrontation with death, the loss of the baby will accompany the woman all her life.I speak from my own experience.I have four children with the dead girl, ”explains the advisor.

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She needed enough time to recover from the loss and gradually return to her life.She has found a new job and today partially feeds on as a lecturer of Zumba.It was this painful experience that brought her to a long journey, where she started working a few years ago and now she is a coordinator, advisor and guide.Parents, but also their relatives or friends with the Council of what to do in this extremely difficult life situation for their loved ones.

Podcast: Lucie pomáhá rodičům při ztrátě miminka. Důležité je rozloučit se, říká

If you have died a baby or older child, or you have someone around and want to help him, you can turn to the organization A long journey under this legacy.


Friends and relatives Lucie advise the basic thing: "The simplest thing is to tell them that you are here for them and if they need anything, you will help them," Lucie advises, saying that the family should not take personally if the partners want to be alone or a womanIt will be evil and moody."We are different, we all have to get through our pace and way," reveals the experienced mother.

Farewell to the baby

Parents advise to say goodbye to the baby in the maternity hospital.“The midwives will dress him today, in some way prepare to be bearable for them.In the maternity hospital they offer footprints, hands.Even now we have an agreement with selected maternity hospitals that if the woman decides not to see the baby because she can't do it, so they can take a picture of her baby and can offer the photo later, ”says Lucie Burdová how to improve her parents.

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He then recommends to create a small altar at home in a visible or hidden place, where they can expose the remains of the baby.“Here will have loving memories that will associate it with the unborn child and where it can return.We strive for women to learn to rely on their story and find a source of strength in it.Something that would move them somewhere and it wasn't just a source of sadness and crying, ”says the advisor.

How dads deal with the loss of the baby, what to say at home for children looking forward to siblings and how to talk about the baby's death with the surroundings, you will learn from Lucie Burdová in Blesk podcast:

Video Blesk Podcast: Lucie pomáhá rodičům při ztrátě miminka. Důležité je rozloučit se, říká - Jiří MarekSdílej: Témata:smrtmiminkopomocúmrtírodičemaminkapsychologtátapsychologická pomocBlesk PodcastLucie BurdováDlouhá cestaSouvisející
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