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A dream of electricity and warm from the urchůvky exploded.After a 22 -meter -high monster - about a seven -sided block of flats - and an average of 17 meters, which ecologically colored the landscape with four million liters of substance, urchůvka similar, nothing left at all.The debris lies several hundred meters around the facility.About 1000 liters of light heating oil has also poured out.Report claims that the soil is fortunately frozen, so the threat of contamination is unlikely to be so serious and the company from Riedlingen is draining the oil.At the beginning, lobbying groups were all like in an idyllic Christian paradise.

20.April 2007, the construction of a biogas power plant between Daugendorf (pictured on the right) and Riedlingen (left) began officially.More information can be found on (http: // www.energy.daugendorf.COM).Behind his back is the Danube splashing.A group of trees in the distance behind a circular concrete base and in front of the forest on the horizon will serve as an orientation aid.The picture cannot be overlooked by the psychological manipulation of citizens of the country Baden-Würtemberg religious ideology.The Christian Cross is actually the dominant of the picture, while the power plant that should be the dominant feature of the website is in the background.If the author of the film wanted to promote only the green ideology, he had trees available.Figure of the completed building can be found here: www.Kriegfischer.de/reference_projects_d.PHP (Click right on "Riedlingen").

Idyla skončila, nasazena byla asi stovka lidí. Hasiči s plynovými maskami, záchranky a policie.

The facility was designed by Maschinenring Biberach, the main head of the company Martin Feirle.At the laying of the Feirle base, the building briefly introduced and stated that it would be '...produce 1000 kW per hour....Which corresponds to approximately 8 million kWh per year and sufficient to supply 1,500 households electricity.In addition, it produces heat to supply hospitals and schools, ”and 780,000 liters of heating oil will be saved annually (according to Szon of 21.4.2007).The production of 48 tons of fertilizers per day was mentioned as another product.To achieve such power, it was necessary to feed 57 tons of biomass a day.

The word "biomass" certainly suddenly suddenly better than if it was said that 500 ha of fields were needed to produce 30,000 meters of cubic maize, grain, grass, etc..The project implementation was not easy due to the resistance of the population in Grüningen.There are 80 biogas production devices in the Biberech district.And this is only one German district.Are you surprised that the price of food is rising?

The first filling consisted of water, cattle urinary and vaccination substrate from other devices.For the first time, the device supplied the current on Friday, but after a few hours of operation exploded on Sunday at 2 o'clock at night.The firefighters in Grüningen were alarmed at that time due to a power outage.At 4 o'clock in the morning they discovered that a 22 -meter -high reactor tower was missing.The explosion was so strong that heavy pieces - as a heavy press for filling the fermentor - were found 50 meters from their original places.The destroyed fermentor was composed of screwed email steel sheets.Dangerous explosive gases such as methane and sulfur compounds with explosion got to high heights where special units could no longer measure them.

A police helicopter was also deployed and the place was thoroughly documented from a height.Laser technique captured the place of destruction three -dimensional.Careful ground documentation has seen every detail that could clarify the cause of the explosion.The first press release on the outcome of the investigation can be expected during January 2008.

:: OSEL.CZ :: - Vybuchla močůvka

Jezero substance podobné močůvce a pravděpodobně s příměsí lehkého topného oleje. Obrázek naznačuje vsakování do půdy. Části zařízení letěly údajně až do vzdálenosti 200 m. Určení vzdálenosti k Dunaji lze pouze odhadnout, poněvadž obrázky jsou bez popisu. Daleko v pozadí lze pozorovat stejnou skupinu stromů a budov jako na pozadí následujícího i předchozího obrázku s křížem. Pokud odvozená orientace souhlasí, měla by podél této skupiny stromů procházet ulice Ammelhauser Strasse obce Grüningen. Jezírko močůvky by se mělo nacházet asi 600 m od Dunaje, který je vlevo ve směru pohledu a není vidět. Jako měřítko může posloužit sloup elektrického vedení v levé části obrázku.

Catastrophic tourism has developed around the disaster, as we know it from the time of floods in our country.Viewers would probably trample any tracks, so the place closed.

Cause? The cause of the explosion is not yet known.As indicated above, the facility was in operation without an official permit and is subject to extensive police investigation.The power plant was in operation only a few hours and was to be 31.January 2008 subjected to a technical test to become the basis of an official power plant operation.Such a situation is common.In order for a device to be tested must be in operation.There is little gas and a lot of air in the fermentor (fermentor) when lowering the power plant (fermentor).Warming up the substrate gradually creates a mixture of gases (methane, hydrogen sulphide) called euphemistically (mitigating in) biogas.Before the desired grade of 50-75 % of the biogas is reached, it must pass through the inflammable phase where air and gas are in perfect explosive ratio.Missing only the igniter.There are many of them.From the damaged mixer to the slurry through static electricity to the creation of an igniter during the biological desulphuris.One of them has chosen the nature of the energy estate in Daugendorf.Can also be inferred on staff failure and a projection defect because no one was at a running device.

Security is obviously not equipped with an alarm system that would inform the emergency situation over the absence of employees of the responsible worker.Such market systems already exist and a worker can decide on the basis of a report how serious the situation is.The device also obviously did not have a system that would not automatically turn off or convert into a certain operation after not responding to the emergency situation.In the Energhof Daugendorf Discussion Forum, it is reported that there have been a number of such emergency.But the fermentors were built of concrete and embedded in the ground and the accidents were never so large.A cheaper variant of standing fermentors carries the risk of uncontrolled gasping gas.

Škoda se zatím pohybuje kolem € 3 miliónů. Nasazena byla také speciální ABC jednotka (Atom – Bio – Chemie), která během neděle zjišťovala, zda vzduch obsahuje explozivní směs.

The geology of the place ensures that the Mustek does not flow directly to the Danube or to the Zollhauser stream and then to the Danube.Laupheim is building similarly large facilities in the next district of Laupheim.The inhabitants are uncertain about the activities of 20 farmers who intend to build equipment for a unclean biogas that Erdgas Südwest wants.In Laupheim, the total volume is divided into multiple reactors that are built into the ground and stand out only 3 meters.Biogas production is also divided into two phases: two fermentors are followed by two post -fasing reactors.

Disadvantages of Biogas Power Plant

High investment costs.In Daugendorf around 80 million crowns.In fermentation of protein -containing substances, a stink similar to rotten eggs is formed.It is a sulphide that is also highly poisonous.The seal is a critical moment for such devices.In the district of Biberach, grain and corn for more than 5000 hectares were grown for the power plant.(Here the news varies - the construction phase was spoken of 500 ha, after an explosion of 5000 ha.) Using food sources for electricity production leads inevitably to increase food.Sufficiently large areas must be available for the liquidation of the final substrate.In the winter months, the urine, which serves as a catalytic converter, must not be carried to the field and must be stored.The same applies to the unapproved urinary.Urine from animals treated antibiotics must not get into the fermenting reactor in large doses.But antibiotics with animals are kept continuously.Plant cultivation for energy leads to monocultures and agriculture with a high proportion of fertilizers.

Zbytky nebezpečné výbušniny: dřevotříska, balíky slámy, apod. Vyklizení trosek bude trvat několik týdnů až měsíců. Zařízení není možné pochopitelně již opravit, poněvadž bylo výbuchem kompletně rozmetáno a zda bude znovu postaveno je podle vyjádření starosty obce Daugendorf Hanse Petermanna sporné a bude nutné vyčkat vyjádření expertů. V pozadí je část obce Grüningen se stromořadím v ulici Ammelhauser Strasse.

Corn needs a large area to grow a large area.This is increasing to agricultural businesses.Methane emerging has 23 times greater greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide that the Green Movement hates for an unknown reason.These are green recognized shortcomings.Evidence that carbon dioxide has a greenhouse effect leading to a global disaster has not yet been filed in laboratory conditions, although individuals have been trying for more than 20 years. O to úspěšnější je mediální tažení proti CO2.And what is the benefits of the biogas according to the Green Movement?

Advantages of Biogas Power Plant Using Renewable Local Resources.That sounds pretty.But it practically means that food or animals is produced by electricity and it no longer sounds so nice.One Indian once said, “When you beat the last tree, you will find that gold cannot be eaten.“ CO2neutrální výroba energie. Neví se ale proč je „CO2neutrální výroba“ výhodou. Podle dosavadních informací je to spíše nevýhoda, poněvadž CO2 je potravinou pro rostliny.Methan can be used to drive cars.But they go to natural gas.Improved Quality of Muchůvky because it is not so "sharp".It is an argument from the science fiction empire: In order to build an intergalactic highway, it is necessary to dismantle planet Earth.

Foreign population with the inhabitants of the country Baden-Würtemberg patiently compassion and wish them a nice Christmas holidays.But for some they are sad.According to the report there were also several spiritual or psychologists in the deployment.Czech citizens may relax that their electricity comes partially from the core and avoids dangerous chemical experiments with the urine.The alibitionist statement of the German special (!) Units cannot calm the seriously endangered Czech population in any way and the case should be dealt with by our authorities.It would be appropriate to compile parliamentary commissions that would control similar dangerous projects not only in Germany but also in Austria.Border protests or climbing outputs to fermentors would also be considered.German and Austrian urchuv lobby strives to export their techniques to the east.Would you like to have a device near your village or, God forbid, directly on its edge, a device that explodes uncontrollably and whose parts are flying through the number of probability?

Sources http: // www.swr.DE/Nachrichten/BW/-/ID = 1622/NID = 1622/DID = 2950940/7BAK/Index.HTMLHTTP: // www.energy.daugendorf.Comhttp: // www.szon.de/Locales/Laupheim/Stadt/200712170686.HTMLHTTP: // web2.Cylex.de/stadtplan/riedlingen-88/stadtplan-riedlingen-strassen-a.HTML
