Mulching and gradual regulation apply to the relentless morning glory

Mulching and gradual regulation apply to the relentless morning glory

The field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) permanently annoys Czech gardeners. It is a tough weed, grows fast and spices deep. It is popularly called or called a braid, a wrapper, a spinning wheel, a cloud and a bud. This is because it grows in circles and wraps everything around with long stems. One such turn can only take him a few hours.

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It turns plants in ornamental, fruit and vegetable gardens, overgrows rock gardens. Cutting him is a Sisyphean work. Plucking from the ground is more effective, but there will still be long roots in the ground from which the morning glory will grow again. The worst of all is to give up the fight straight away, because a neglected morning glory can weed out an entire garden in a few weeks.

Na neodbytný svlačec platí mulčování a postupná regulace

It takes constant care

Continuous removal is the foundation of success and mulching seems to be the most effective method. Organic materials such as wood chips or straw do not pay much for hardy weeds, they grow easily through them; gardeners most often reach for woven and non-woven fabrics, old carpets, cardboard or even linoleum.

Because morning glory usually finds a way to overgrow them, mulching in multiple layers is sometimes used. The morning glory is really tiring and if it still looks for a way out, it can be easily regulated. However, it is a controversial method, it may not testify to other plants or soil. We should definitely not suffocate them like this in the long run.

Perhaps the best is to go the golden mean: mulch in one layer and use the "running" morning glory as a decoration. Take it, for example, to a wire fence or to wicker supports. It will pop them up very quickly, and if we keep a good eye on it, it may end up doing some benefit instead of damage. Even in combination with its bred relatives, such as the morning glory (Convolvulus tricolor).

Chemistry? Just very carefully

Morning glory is resistant to most herbicides, and the plants grow so densely that we could easily hit them. And gardens where we grow edible plants or where children play do not have a herbicide anyway. The emergency solution may be to apply it locally, in small quantities and so that it does not run off the morning glory leaves. Therefore, avoid application in rainy or windy weather.
