iRozhlas in France goes to auction an unexpectedly found painting of the Italian Gothic master Cimabue

iRozhlas in France goes to auction an unexpectedly found painting of the Italian Gothic master Cimabue

In France, at the end of October, a picture marked by experts as the work of the early Gothic Italian master Cimabue, whose works are great rare.The painting had long hung in the apartment of one resident of the town of Compiègne north of Paris and the family thought it was an ordinary icon.However, the price of the work is estimated at four to six million euros (CZK 103 to 155 million), AFP wrote.

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It is painted with egg colors on the poplar plate and is captured by Jesus in surrounded by "grinning" and "annoying" men.According to AFP, it is probably part of the eight -part series from 1280, in which Cimabue on paintings of a similar format portrayed scenes from Christ's Passion.

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So far, only two pieces of this series have been known, one is in the Frick Collection Museum in New York and the other in the London National Gallery.

iRozhlas Ve Francii jde do dražby nečekaně nalezený obraz italského gotického mistra Cimabueho

According to the web version of the Britannica encyclopedia, Cimabue was the latest Italian champion he created in the Byzantine style and affected other painters including Giott.

Many of his works have not been preserved and according to AFP his painting has not escaped for several decades.Auction of the work found in Compiègne will take place in the town of Senlis 27.October.

The elderly owner had it hung at home between the living room and the kitchen and recently reported the painting of the local Actéon auction house.She handed it over to the Turquin specialists, according to which it is a well -preserved Cimabue work.

"The authorship cannot be a dispute, for it is obvious, comparing his other familiar paintings that it was the same hand," said expert Eric Turquin.

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