Irozhlas 35 years ago attacked computers the first virus.Spread over the floppy disks, the authors openly reported to him

Irozhlas 35 years ago attacked computers the first virus.Spread over the floppy disks, the authors openly reported to him

Authors' names, their phone numbers and addresses - such information was spread by the first computer virus Brain, the authorities recorded it exactly 35 years ago.He was named after the Society of Pakistani brothers who programmed him.The virus spread around the world on floppy disks and no user data destroyed.But hackers abused technology, today trying to get sensitive data of users or harm hospitals and state administration.

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Internet technology and possibilities have shifted significantly in recent years and with them also the possibilities of viruses.The very first was a safe ensemble with contact with the authors, but today hackers attack even hospitals - in the Czech Republic for the last time in Horažďovice in the Pilsen region.It did not endanger the care of patients, but the attacks can even eliminate the hospital.This happened last November in Düsseldorf, Germany, after being transported to another hospital, a woman died there.


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The first computer virus called Brain was spreading 35 years ago.Listen to Vojtěch Tomášek's report

According to Pavel Řezníček of the Cyber Security Company Check Point, hacker attacks are harder to prevent smaller devices because they do not have enough money to protect their systems."He laboriously raises money at all for the operation and improvement of services for patients and cyber security is no longer the budget," Řezníček explained to Radiožurnál.

iRozhlas Před 35 lety napadl počítače první virus. Šířil se přes diskety, autoři se k němu otevřeně hlásili

Organized groups are increasingly based on attacks, previously the viruses were mainly programmed by individuals.“We see groups where specialists are both development and distribution.We saw, especially around ransomware, that groups are trying to communicate with victims.They also have specialized contacts for contact with these people to maximize profit, ”says Avast security expert Michal salad.


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Therefore, a computer and phone basis should be an active antivirus program that can prevent attack.“You can get free and paid versions, so users have a large selection.For exposed persons we can recommend tools for anonymization such as VPN, ”said salad.

Attacks and fraud in which hackers try to get personal data from users the number of data.They often bet on people to release the virus on their own - for example, when they believe advertising or winning mails.

“Anything that looks too good and advantageous requires a dose of caution.Whether it is Facebook reports about discounts and quick earnings or advertising that promise that Mrs. Jana from Prague is able to earn 40 000 crowns a day, ”says Michal Salad.

In fraudulent offers or winning mails are often spelling mistakes.Suspect servers can verify users on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection - a list of risk sites that can be closed, inspectors update every day.

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