Iniosho tens of thousands of people over 70 years stuck in reservation of vaccination.'Call at 1221,' says the ministry

Iniosho tens of thousands of people over 70 years stuck in reservation of vaccination.'Call at 1221,' says the ministry

More than 50,000 seniors over 70 years of age, according to data from the Ministry of Health when logging on vaccination, found themselves between registration and reservation of the deadline.Reason?According to the chief of smart quarantine Petr Šnajdárek, this happened because they changed the deadline for vaccination more than three times or that they were registered by general practitioners and did not ask them.People are gradually echoing vaccination centers, but they can also help them on line 1221.

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Seniors over 70 years of age.One of the groups of people who is the most endangered by coronavirus and therefore the first one could apply for vaccination.For this reason, it boasts the highest vaccination.At least the first dose has more than four fifths of them.

Nevertheless, there are about 270,000 people in this group who have not yet failed a substance.Some voluntarily decided not to register, others did not allow health, but about a quarter of the vaccine but the interest showed interest.They took the first step and registered.However, they did not get to vaccination anymore.

In the open data of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics, the note "Registration has not been identified," "Barm - excluded from the game" or "Reason Unknown.”According to the chief of smart quarantine Petr Šnajdárek, however.

"For example, this is because they have changed the deadlines three times and the system has blocked them, so they have to make a new registration," he told iRozhlas”Plus general practitioners did it to register people without addressing them.We have shut down that after agreement with practices because they recorded them there without contacting them, ”he continued.

'Discarded from the game'

Another explanation is hidden directly in the schemes of individual data, specifically under the mentioned item ”Barrier - excluded from the game.”

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iRozhlas Desetitisíce lidí nad 70 let se zasekly při rezervaci očkování. ‚Zavolejte na 1221,‘ vzkazuje ministerstvo


Martin Komenda, vývojář spravující „pandemická” data, popsal, že do této kategorie se dostali lidé, kteří nevyužili třech možností k vyplnění druhého pinu nutného pro rezervaci termínu.And despite the fact that the system has repeatedly sent them notification.Their registration has blocked and has to make a new one.

In the past, according to Šnajdárek, the system did not allow for a deadline, for example because one has undergone Covid-19 and was within a ninety-day period in which antibodies were to protect him.But this was canceled a few weeks ago.

Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch (for YES) in an interview for also mentioned that there may be people who have registered with a GP but have been vaccinated in the center.But those data of medical statistics divide into a separate category "identified but already vaccinated.”

Inaccurate data

The data on the website of the Ministry of Health show that the pensioners who have stuck in the system are about 80 thousand.The Institute of Health Information and Statistics then states that such a problem has about 70,000 people.According to the chief of the smart quarantine Šnajdárek, the numbers are delayed by the second source.

And the numbers may not be conclusive even according to Minister Vojtěch.“I don't think there would be 50,000 people in this category. Rezervační systém navíc starší občany prioritizuje,” řekl ministr zdravotnictví s tím, že se data neustále čistí.

However, with people who remained between registration and reservation, operators from line 1221 or directly vaccination centers should be connected sooner or later, according to Šnajdárek.If seniors do not want to wait for someone to contact them, they have two more options according to the healthcare resort.

„Osoby, které se zaregistrovaly na očkování proti covid-19, ale z různých důvodů si nezarezervovaly termín, mají buďto možnost zavolat na linku 1221, kde jim poradí, a nebo doporučujeme návštěvu jejich praktického lékaře, u kterého není potřeba registrace,” napsal serveru iROZHLAS.CZ Martin Novotný from the Ministry's press department.

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