"I will not be torn." A pack of wolves after the attack on sheep frightened the guard

"I will not be torn." A pack of wolves after the attack on sheep frightened the guard


Eight sheep of the breeder Jan Sefc of Lachov fell victim to the victim of the last wolf attack.Other to fifteen lambs must be spent.SEFC is the largest sheep breeder in the Broumov region.According to him and other breeders and politicians, the attacks are increasing and increasingly rougher.

The sheep's herd has several thousand sheep secured in the corral.Is higher than the recommendation of ecologists.In addition, she employs watchdogs to protect herds.Every night bypasses pastures with thermovision and the animals guard.However, even such a professionally protected grazing area did not prevent wolves from attacking.

"At night he called me a guard that he sees in the corral about ten wolves attacking sheep and start to tear them," said SEFC.”Before I reached the place with other employees, he tried to drive the wolves to shout, then with flares and firecrackers.However, the wolves did not respond in any way, and even began to approach the guard.Only when we arrived at the place and we all started to burn the flares and the cannons, the wolves slowly left the grazing area, but they still watched us from a distance from.After this experience he wants to give me the guardian of the premises with the words that he will not be torn by wolves.”

„Musím znovu zmínit, že problematika vlků na Broumovsku se ochraně přírody vymkla kontrole,” dodal Kamil Zahradník z Lesnicko dřevařského vzdělávacího institutu.”When the frightened breeder calls the leadership of the PLA Broumovska for advice, he only gets the message that in this situation every advice is expensive.This statement is just a confirmation for me that the management of the PLA is incompetent and the situation with the wolf in the Broumov region does not manage to completely.”

Jiří Štěpán (ČSSD), Governor of the Hradec Králové Region also joined.”The situation with wolves in the Broumov region needs to be resolved quickly at state level.I hope that the attitude of the Ministry of the Environment will take the attitude of the attacks.Repeated attacks on livestock are no longer unique or random.I do not want grazing in the Broumov region to disappear and Broumovsko gradually become an open -air museum where people will not be able to actively live and breed their livestock.”

„Nenechám se roztrhat.” Smečka vlků po útoku na ovce děsila i hlídače

The Regional Authority of the Hradec Králové Region last year paid off farmers for losses on livestocks due to wolves attacks 2.2 million crowns.This year this amount is likely to be even higher.

In addition, breeders expect another attack in the coming days, as the governor Štěpán admitted.The coordinated pack procedure considers a big problem.

The beasts are reproducing.There is another wolf pack in Šumava, scientists confirmed

10. 9. 2020 14:47

The Nature and Landscape Protection Agency of the Czech Republic has a special emergency line for similar cases for similar cases.During the current attack the breeder used it.

”It is precisely to have the breeders the possibility of ongoing consultations, some agency staff are available on standby lines on weekends - and that is why the breeder recovered at midnight without any problems.It was obvious that she was concerned. Hlídač bohužel vlky nepřistihl při útoku, ale až v situaci, kdy žrali kořist – další postup je složitý, protože vlci pak mají tendenci se na místo vracet,” uvedla agentura na webu.”Using flares managed to drive away the pack from the torn animals at a distance of about 250 meters.There wolves waited for them to be able to return to the prey.The breeder watched them during the repair of the broken fencing using thermovision.The situation was tense and not quite clear.Was considered to exaggerate sheep for the rest of the night to another enclosure but were sewn.Breeder repaired fencing and continued to scramble with flares.That has discouraged the wolves since the return.Of course, every case is subsequently evaluated, so it will be in this case.”

Volunteers will learn how to get to know the traces of a wolf or lynx

12. 9. 2020 12:49

In the Czech-Polish borderland between the Giant Mountains and the Orlické Mountains, according to estimates of the PLA Broumovsko, more than 20 wolves in three packs, which have the core of the territory probably on the Polish side of the border, but also go to Broumov and Trutnovsko region.Photo traps also newly confirmed the presence of wolves in the Orlické Mountains.

According to representatives of the PLA Broumovsko Administration, people in the wild have no reason to be afraid of wolves.They also rejected the views that wolves in the Broumov region would behave abnormally.

The Supreme Court recently rejected the appeal of a group of people from the Broumov promontory in the Náchod region, including Jan Šefc, requested by the regulation of the number of wolves.Animals reportedly cause damage and compensation from the state are insufficient according to people.People wanted to make the laws of action to regulate the wolf population by the Ministry of the Environment.But such a court decision would, according to the courts of all levels, would be an inadmissible interference with the executive power.
