How to prevent game from the taste of trees and shrubs in the unfenced garden?

How to prevent game from the taste of trees and shrubs in the unfenced garden?

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Especially in winter, when game suffers from food shortages, it also likes to enjoy trees and shrubs growing near human dwellings under the cover of night. How to prevent it?

Apart from the winter, game near human dwellings does not dare too much, but lack of food will drive it out of hiding places and plains in the winter, and will damage our sprouts. Especially for young seedlings and shrubs of smaller stature, the taste can be fatal. The game is especially good for young shoots, but the game also tastes like a bast, through which water flows and without which the tree dries. Of course, it is best to have the whole plot fenced, but in many cases this is not possible, for whatever reason. It is therefore necessary to protect at least young and smaller trees and shrubs. In older and taller woody plants, new buds will probably only taste at the ends of the branches and only to the height where the game reaches, which is not dangerous for the life of the woody plant. We can protect tree trunks with a mesh or wrap. Metal (wire mesh and protectors), plastic (plastic protectors), but also textiles can be used. The lime coating of the trunk will also help. Plastic protection has the disadvantage of short life, but for example plastic-coated mesh lasts a long time and the plastic also prolongs the life of the wire itself. If we then place and secure the mesh well, the protection will be effective. However, trees can also be surrounded by a simple wooden fence, through which the game does not reach the bast, but these fences must be regularly protected with paint, so it is an expensive solution. A little further on, it is very tempting ... It is good to protect some hedges in the winter, especially grasshoppers (thuja) suffer from taste and hate it. If you have a newly planted hedge and you wait some year for it to grow and its mass engages, it will not work without protection. The taste of young seedlings could cause fatal damage, which can climb to very high amounts in hedges. The seedlings then either die or their growth slows down so much that it will take them a whole season to wake up again. However, covering the hedge with mechanical protection is not practical or attractive, so we have to help ourselves with a chemical. And this is not a novelty, chemical protection against taste has been used for a long time. For example, so-called odor fences are common in forestry. Chemicals are either sprayed or painted on woody plants, but beware, this is not a permanent protection, it must be repeated regularly. And the more it rains, the less this protection will last (manufacturers guarantee only 2 to 6 months). The advantage of chemical protection is therefore easy application, but the downside is the constant repetition of investment. Mesh fenceWe have already mentioned that chemical protection has been known for a very long time and this fact is literal. Our grandmothers already had their procedures and we can try them too. For example, they used fragrant soap (soap solution), poured logs of coffee on flowerbeds and around trees, and also used human hair. However, at last I am not sure whether this was realistic, as until recently there was a superstition in all that haircuts must be burned. . It is also necessary to remove other tempting things, such as fallen apples, and this also applies to compost. If you attach them to it, cover them with, for example, cut grass, which smells unpleasant when rotting. But it is definitely better not to put apples on compost at all, as mold spores are released from rotting apples. Grandmothers also used sound protection, for example in the form of wind chimes. For a change, the ultrasonic repellent will also disturb rodents and martens or foxes, ie small pests. We can easily make the carillon ourselves, we will pay several hundred crowns for the ultrasonic repellent. In any case, efficiency cannot be guaranteed, so it is better to bet on a set of measures if we want to be sure. Source: ČESKÉ, Read the next article

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