Moms-to-be, get smart. You need these vitamins during pregnancy

Moms-to-be, get smart. You need these vitamins during pregnancy

Perhaps every expectant woman all the time comes across more than one piece of advice, recommendations on what (not) to do during pregnancy. Definitely don't experiment, don't rely on all the "proven" tips from around. Yes, you need to pay more attention to nutrition and the supply of important substances for you and the baby, but this does not mean following the saying that during pregnancy you should eat for two.

It is not entirely true. Of course, indulge in specific tastes now and then, but far more than quantity depends on the composition of the diet itself. Vitamins, which take care of the proper development of the child, play a key role here, but you shouldn't be missing anything either.

One step ahead

It is not always easy for the body to receive the necessary substances from food. Especially when we heat the food. That is why in certain life stages, seasons, such as autumn, it is necessary to reach for food supplements. They supply the body with everything it asks for. If you are just planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to increase your intake of certain vitamins, especially folic acid. Experts recommend consuming it as soon as possible.

"Ideally immediately after stopping contraception," recommends gynecologist and sexologist Radim Uzel. A lack of folic acid can lead to birth defects or miscarriages in the fetus.

Folic acid is also an integral part of the development of the fetus in the first days of pregnancy, when the person concerned may not be aware of the pregnancy. Since the vitamin significantly affects the brain, spinal cord and nervous system of the fetus, it is really good to consume folic acid in advance. However, other vitamins are also important, especially iodine, magnesium and B vitamins.

Be reasonable

"During pregnancy, a varied and regular diet rich in proteins, vegetables, fruits, but also healthy fats and carbohydrates is important. You can find them in nuts, sea fish, seafood, beans, peas, oatmeal or in whole grain products," informs doctor Karel Metyš, an expert in pregnancy nutrition.

However, the need for vitamins is individual, in addition, it differs slightly in each stage of pregnancy, so it is crucial to eat complex food supplements throughout pregnancy, i.e. those that contain all the necessary components.

Warning signs that you are deficient in magnesium. Headache, fatigue and cramps

One of the key minerals in pregnancy is magnesium, the lack of which, according to experts, greatly increases the risk of birth defects in the offspring. But there is also a lot of talk about premature birth, or even abortion.

Gynecologists recommend using magnesium as a preventive measure, because it helps not only in case of increased fatigue, but also in case of unpleasant hardening of the pregnant belly or frequent cramps in the calves. It occurs naturally in whole grain products, nuts or sunflower seeds. During pregnancy, however, it is advisable to supplement it in other ways than just diet.

Advice: As soon as you hear the news, you will find out that it has taken hold, you will become a mother, do not immediately change your diet radically. You can harm yourself and the fetus by doing so. Better to make the change gradually.

Feel free to sin now and then, but too much is too much.

Which other vitamins and minerals are important?

Get a contribution

Perhaps you are already scared of what kind of investments await you with the arrival of a child. You're trying to "keep it down" and you don't want to spend more, especially for vitamins, when you can have them from commonly available fruit. But you don't have to buy several boxes of vitamins. Some companies offer a complex composition in one package at more favorable prices.

In addition, insurance companies will also contribute to your dietary supplements. They offer various special and advantageous programs for expectant mothers. For many of them, they apply to the already mentioned vitamins and food supplements purchased at the pharmacy. Be sure to find out what the situation is right now with your insurance company, which benefits they offer you as future mothers.

Commercial announcementWin in the competition quiz of the month

The month of Zdraví is devoted to vitamins and food supplements. In a traditional competitive quiz, five randomly selected readers who answer all the questions correctly will win a pack of magnesium to relieve fatigue from Dr.Nek. The quiz will appear on the website on Monday 6/21, the winner will be announced a week later.

Dr. Nek Pills Magnesium Forte Magnesium

Magnesium supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and mental activity, contributes to reducing the level of fatigue and exhaustion. It has a positive effect on the formation of proteins, helps to maintain the normal condition of bones and teeth, participates in muscle activity, supports energy metabolism. Vitamin B1 favorably affects the activity of the nervous system, participates in maintaining the normal activity of the heart. Vitamin B2 supports the activity of the nervous system, contributes to the maintenance of normal red blood cells, normal vision and skin. Vitamin B6 is involved in the function of the immune and nervous systems, in the regulation of hormonal activity and, together with vitamin B12, in the normal formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 supports the immune system, energy metabolism and mental activity, helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

Relieve fatigue
