It will be spring! Mix the substrate and prepare flower beds

It will be spring! Mix the substrate and prepare flower beds


Although February is a short month, it is actually long. Winter, gloomy, and a pandemic. Gardeners are already itching their fingers and maybe many beginners will start gardening this year in an emergency. There are fewer things to do, but if you have a piece of garden or at least a balcony, you can plant, sow and grow flowers, vegetables and herbs. You move, you're in the fresh air, and you still benefit from it. For the real farmer, the new season used to start on the second of February, at Hromnice.

Preparing for the gardening season

Check what you already have at home. What seeds do you have left since last year? And in what condition are they? Aren't they expired? Didn't she mold during the winter? Take a piece of paper and a pencil with your gardening plan and sowing calendar to make a note of what seeds you need to buy.

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Then go to the shed to check the condition of the equipment. Inspect spades, rakes, hoes and shovels. Wash them, remove rust from the iron brush and apply oil. Sharpen secateurs and shears. Then focus on the containers. Aren't the plastic pots cracked? What is the condition of clay flower beds? Do you have enough seed pots for pre-cultivation? Complete your shopping list as needed.

How to take care of gardening tools?

In the spring, there will also be a good amount of clear-cut boots and a supply of gardening gloves. Make yourself happy with the little things - for example, dents in the flower beds, on which you write what you planted. If you do not want to spend, collect pebbles, clean them and write down the names of vegetables, herbs and flowers in a durable color.

No substrate or wound

In February, you can pre-grow peppers, celery or tomatoes. You need a substrate for this. You can buy it or mix it yourself. And such a home substrate, it's something like home tomatoes. It's just much better.

So that the box does not flow and last

You will need pots for pre-growing and for planting annuals, geraniums, begonias, geraniums or other flowers that you love. You can choose from various shapes , materials, colors and designs. When the head goes by.

However, not every flower bed or box is suitable for outdoor use, not everyone is suitable for flowers at home or for balcony growing vegetables. Therefore, choose well.

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Classic plastic flower boxes are popular, but impractical in many ways. Cheap plastic will soon crack, and if they don't have drains, the plants can rot. Therefore, it is better to invest in a box with a drain or at least add a drainage layer - for example made of stones. For forgetful people, a self-watering box will come in handy - you just need to water the plants once a week or once every fortnight, as needed.

7 ideas on how to decorate an ordinary clay flower pot.

If you are bored of plastic or clay classics, try other materials. For example, flower pots made of polyston material, which is made of resin, stone flour and fiberglass. It resembles natural stone and has similar properties. Another option is fiberglass or aluminum laminate - flower beds made of these materials are strong and durable at the same time.

In February you can grow peppers and tomatoes in the apartment. How's the thing?
