Barbaric graves in Zličín - - Outdoor Generation

Barbaric graves in Zličín - - Outdoor Generation

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The Barbar Graves in Prague Zličín.The world of living and dead times of moving nations has won the prestigious Gloria Musaealis Award for 2015.The book was published by the Museum of the City of Prague.You can buy it at the Kosmas bookstore.

The book was written by Czech and German archaeologists, who are bringing closer in themed chapters of moving nations in Europe and Bohemia, the course and results of the burial grounds in Prague - Zličín.The publication is unprecedented in Czech production and will be appreciated especially by all those interested in archeology and history at the turn of the ancient and Middle Ages.In addition to new information, it excels in quality and rich pictorial accompaniment.It includes an overview of literature and notes.

Barbarské hroby na Zličíně - - Outdoor Generation
